11 2

OH wow....

James121 7 Feb 11

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Whatta stud! Go you!
Too bad we can't all be there to witness the fall of Rome ????
Hey, even Manson had offers...

I know that i I am scaring myself  with my lack off attitude from an attitude about about myself.....I am not whole anymore  than anyone else ....but my life is a lie totally and just  being is being.....

You should still be checking for STD’s.


No judgement here, you are at least being honest with the women ??


You do say in your bio that you'll "shave off the beard if it offends you";; that's an interesting level of commitment. Seriously, as long as you're being up front with your so called "partners", this shouldn't be an issue. Can't blame a woman for changing her mind and, hopefully, she's out of the picture quickly and with her dignity in tact. Good luck, keep it honest from the beginning to each ending and, if you do find the right girl, let yourself commit.


You selfish git. You never think about the pain you cause.


"The chain of wedlock is so heavy that is takes two to carry it - and sometimes three."

THHA Level 7 Feb 11, 2019

"A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband." Honore de Balzac

THHA Level 7 Feb 11, 2019

That's because most men never really grow up. Commitment is a sign of maturity.


You don't say if you're unhappy with this situation or not ? Or if you long for a firm commitment ?
Some folks - regardless of the motivators, just do best not trying to commit, not attempting to "settle down" as society tends to want everyone to do. It's ok - if it's ok with you and your heart.
Otherwise , there'd be work to be done ...


I feel the same my friend and have for most of my life.


Gotten an aids test lately?

@jlynn37 AIDS is probably going to be the least of your worries

@jlynn37 Why are you responding? My question was to the guy “humbly” bragging about all the “sleeping” around he has done.

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