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My first Focaccia Bread. I have been cooking and baking for decades but never worked much with yeast breads. I plan to master this art.

The crumb was smaller than I wanted but the crust was crispy and the inside tender. It needed more salt but I brushed it with garlic butter and it was delicious. I will keep at it until I manage perfection.

mzbehavin 8 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks yummy!


Focaccia bread goes good with Italian dishes, especially if you tear off pieces, and dunk it in chianti before eating it!


I have used this for pizza crusts. Also bread sticks for pasta.

If you are experimenting you could probably also make a sweet one such as cinnamon or something.


What is "the crumb"? I mean I know WHAT a crumb is. It's the way a cookie crumbles. But this sounds more technical.

@mzbehavin I had no idea...thanks...

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