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I have never understod the Trump supporter.
I have heard the reasons why some voted for him; Hilary was a bad candidate, I hate immigrants (let's not pretend racism doesn't exist), he's a successful businessman, I hate SJW, etc.

The supporters though, the ones who keep signing his praises even now, I can't understand. Asking them I get nonsensical meme responses. "Trump is saving the country. He's making it great", kind of vague crap.

It makes no sense for the same reason the MAGA cap people on tv said they didn't care if Kavanaugh had raped Dr. Ford. It wasn't a dispute between whether he had or not, they wanted him for the supreme court regardless of the facts; as if the long line of equally competent republican judges to promote their interests didn't exist.
Kavanaugh or bust. Trump or bust. For no reason.

When I see people who act outside of any logic I can comprehend and can't/won't explain it, my first thought is "they are idiots". A position I try to move past, because I don't think the answer is so black and white.
It's been a few years of people saying there are complex issues behind the Trump supporter and to just label them stupid or racist or misogynistic is to misunderstand the situation and give Trump the next election on a silver platter.

But I can't see another explanation. The people raging against Trump on twitter over their taxes was the final straw. They believed right up until NOW that they would benefit from Trumps tax adjustments, despite every expert telling them they wouldn't. And that's not counting the people who were hit and still believe in the president's leadership.

Healthcare/medicine is immediately going to be a fraction of the price and much better. ISIS will be quickly defeated. Trade-wars are easy to win. Mexico will pay for the wall.
How can any intelligent person say this is possible with a straight face?
What intelligent person would still support him having failed to deliver?
(If you are a republican for life who will vote republican no matter what, this is NOT about you.)

What am I missing? What complex something-or-other makes this behavior rational?
Or does David have a point and it's time we stopped pretending there is a deep reason behind this?

MLinoge 7 Feb 12

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Maybe they are just stupid ?


MLinoge, I can identify with your every word here because I see it exactly the same way. I also believe that David hits this issue right on the head.


People are not smart. Its easy to woo the simple with a chant "lock her up" "build the wall" "finish the wall"
it's devolved into something simple people understand, sports teams, red's vs blues. you vote for your team no matter what.,
its not complex. it's just a little sad.
they will spin the tax thing as a democrat caused problem anyway.

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