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I was, earlier, sitting, thinking ( and stinking up the little room) and pondering on something that perhaps others might like to consider or even reply/respond to.
Since the Vegan/Vegetarian Community, etc, are seemingly so bent upon Humankind giving up eating meat of ALL kinds, HAVE they or anyone else truly thought about the outcomes environmentally-wise?
Hypothesis here:

  1. All humankind ceases to eat 'farmed' meats, etc, does that not mean that a) all farmed for meat animals will be left to either breed and be left to their own devises thus in a given length of time the whole landmass of this planet will eventual be overrun with every kind of 'farmed' animal imaginable running around out of control,
    b) the waste products (manure, etc,) from these out of control animals, would it not eventually pile up beyond imagining thus creating even more vectors, etc, for the spreading of diseases, etc,
    c) given that humans have killed off most of the free-ranging carnivorous predators in Western Countries and that for every Free-ranging predator there are at least 10+ prey species
    /animals per herd, etc, then by what means do these people suggest that humans use to 'control' the spread of these freed animals and to stop them from devouring the plants and crops that humans will be relying upon even more than they did before?
Triphid 9 Feb 14

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I have no doubt the rich people would step up and take care of all those poor animals for the rest of their natural lives 😉

You ARE joking I presume.

@Triphid I thought the sarcasm was obvious. Particularly with the winky emoji at the end


I think that the last ones would be eaten and or disposed of the same way that they dispose of dead animals now. They are unlikely to survive without our care. Do you see wild bison taking over? Wild turkeys? Wild pigs? though they can be a problem in the south.


The Lions and tigers would become very obese and start dropping dead from heart attacks and high cholesterol... They are better off where they are now...


You have not allowed for the slaughter the current stock then stop breeding scenario, which is more realistic than simply opening the farm gate and releasing all current stock into the countryside.

Sir, you seem to have no allowed that the Veg/Vegetarians, etc, would press to STOP the slaughter of ANY remaining stock, plus the Animal Rights Activists would also prevent such a thing as well INCLUDING cessations of breeding, etc..
Plus, I don't think that you've even considered what would be done the, literally, Mountains of Carcasses of slaughtered animals, where would you suggest that they disposed of, farm lands as fertilizer perhaps?

@Triphid you start with ridiculous scenario and then proceed to make it even more ridiculous so i can only assume your question was a rhetorical one where only your opinion holds sway. Which begs the question, why even bother to post it here? ?

@SimonCyrene Neither was it ridiculous nor was it rhetorical, it was Hypothetical based upon the ideologies of the Vegan/Vegetarian Communities.
For 2,000 years we have seen the effects that religious zealotry have wrought upon humankind, etc, ergo there is nothing to say that same cannot happen with the Vegan/Vegetarian, etc, Zealotry since, in my opinion, there ARE people out there who simply jump on any bandwagon, so to speak, and follow along like mindless sheep, e.g. the Supporters of President 45, aka tRump.

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