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We cannot effectively vote with our dollars, but the rich and corporations sure can. Citizens should be able to selectively exclude certain government institutions from receiving their tax dollars. Like the Military Industrial Complex . . . That does not mean paying less taxes, it means actually having a say in how our government is run.

THHA 7 Feb 17

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Government institutions do not receive tax dollars. They are given which is created on a computer screen.

Tax dollars are deleted from a screen by the same method.

Learn about the joys of MMT and find out how everything the neoliberal economists have been telling you about in the last 40 years is a lie.


Then there would be a whole department dedicated to allocating individuals’ dollars to the right places ?


I agree but I don't see it happening. They have the system set up how they want it.

Carin Level 8 Feb 17, 2019
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