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Do we have a volunteer opportunity, activism opportunity thread here? Did I miss it?

CommonHuman 7 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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"Volunteering, Charity Work, and Community Service" Group

Originated by @resserts


skado Level 9 Oct 24, 2019

Goggle Resist,& MoveOn, both have well-organized national prescences.
For example, the country-wide rallies against drump's '"emergency" held today across the country.
No reason to fragment, no reason to reinvent the wheel, just go to their easy to use massive websites, participate as you see fit.
Oh, and put your "representatives" contact info into your phone/device, make yourself heard quickly forever after.


I volunteer with the Red Cross. It’s not ecology-based but it helps alleviate human suffering.

I’m in disaster services. I’ve been deployed to hurricanes and wildfire situations to help with shelters.
I see he Red Cross as the biggest private non religious disaster assistance provider.


I'm not sure but some of us are activists in various things worldwide.


I haven't heard of one. Have you scanned the list of groups? Maybe you can start one. You get extra points for starting a group.

Carin Level 8 Feb 18, 2019

@CommonHuman Just the environmental one that Shouldbefishing put a link to up there. What sort of things do you want to work on?

@CommonHuman this is a great idea. I live in a small town, we have orgs to help people, but some of us live outside city proper, a might help carpool volunteers get together also!

@CommonHuman I'd say start the group. Just general info for opportunities instead of a specific issue sounds like a good idea.

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