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...and what is everyone going to do post-Trump?

There will need to be such a tremendous amount of rebuilding. Will there be energetic volunteers- so this doesn't happen again?

Diogenes 8 Feb 18

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It may take years to achieve but maybe we can even make it better than before.

Yes! Trump was the worst, stinking garbage possible- and his misses was no Elinor Roosevelt- not even within a million miles of being close.


Post=Trump, we need to focus on extreme pressure on our politicians on getting something positive done on critical issues for a damed change.


If we get the right person in the next election, it could be turned around fairly quickly. Obama turned things around pretty quickly as far as our standing on the world stage after President "I really did not want this job" Bush.

" Give me liberty, or give me death" as Patrick Henry put it , and "Shrub's (as Molly Ivins called him) "Give me war-or, give me war!" George Walker Bush never actually said this, but every action meant this.

@Diogenes That was Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Carl Rove's war. Bush was just along for the ride. By the time he figured out he fucked up, it was to late. If you noticed those three guys had a l much lower profile in his second term. Bush's daddy issues, put those men in power, and that led to the war. Pretty crazy.

@Sticks48 Yes, certainly- but in reality, that is just an excuse for Shrub!

@Diogenes Not an excuse, a reason.


It will take at least two presidential administrations to begin to undo the damage done to US international relations, foreign policy, and climate change measures.

It will take a looong time- hopefully not two administrations.

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