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Religion is a leash for untamed humans.
Well just my thought.

Quixomyth24 3 Feb 20

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I think what you mean is, religion can play a 'functionalist' role in society, by erecting moral boundaries, e.g., "Thou shalt not do mean stuff". Sociologists refer to that as 'functionalism', which is where a feature of a given culture provides a useful role. But many things, other than religion, can perform a useful purpose. For example, once upon a time in America, every small town had a brothel, or two. And when a farm boy turned 13, his pappy took him to a 'sportin parlor', to learn about the birds n bees. This prepared him for his wedding night, years later. Unfortunately, a town cannot remain half-Methodist, and half-sinfulness n damnation. And as the towns grew, the brothels got closed down.


Some people need a lead


I can agree with that. look at Charles Manson's cult, they're all Christians now. look at Alcoholics Anonymous, the Bible and religion is the backbone of all of its teaching. Many prisoners consider themselves to be Christians, the Bible and religion is pushed in prisons. Some of the most evil people claim to have be redeemed through religion. The most important part of being religious is to be obedient and follow rules even if you don't agree with them.


A restatement of Karl Marx's religion is the opiete of the people.

The masses

@Amisja I used no quotes, knew something was off.

@Beowulfsfriend its spelled 'opiates' wrong too but I am counting 😉

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