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For several years, I have been looking for a suitable piece of land to buy on the Oregon coast. My plan is to buy the land and eventually retire there. I'll buy a trailer and park it near the edge of the sea and as the land erodes, which it is doing several feet a year due to global warming, I'll pull the trailer back a few yards.

GuitarDoctor 7 Feb 20

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You can build on stilts, like other people around the world are doing.


I've looked at property's on the Oregon coast, but my dreams where dashed by a severe case of sticker shock...

They are suprisingly expensive considering the rate at which they are eroding into the sea! I saw a place for sale for $199,000. It looked fantastic. Then I saw (in fine print at the bottom), that the house has to be moved back 20' before it can be sold.

@celticagent A major job moving a house,not for the do it yourself person,jacks,cribbing and the vehicle to move it,then all the infrastructure relocations,water,gas sewer,electrical and telephone lines.

@Mike1947 exactly! expensive!


You could rent out lots to other mobile home owners too

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