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When was the last time you fell in love?

Naeem 6 Feb 26

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I am a repeat offender and fall easily. Totally in love with my wife though she is aggressively pursuing divorce 😟. But she would qualify as the last.

Much harder to cultivate self love for me, but learning everyday.


Early nineties. Ending. Now trying to learn how to love and accept myself.


I've never fallen in love before.


Like all the time

I fall in love with a song, a movie, a poem, Matt Smith (the 11th Doctor), Amy and Rory, Carl Sagan, hedgehogs, dragonflies, blue herons, all of my friends, the University of Chicago campus, the arboretum by me, ideas, Life.

Yes! that's exactly it. the journey is to discover all there is to love.


I'm with Leeloo.

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