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I firmly believe the world has everything needed to end poverty. It makes me feel horrible seeing warehouses full of shoes when we have kids in our own country without adaqute or any shoes. It hurts when I see massive grocery stores filled with food that gets thrown away if it doesn't sell and yet in this country so many people go to bed each night with an empty stomach. It hurts when I see clothing stores that burn unsold clothing because they want to maintain their brands "reputation" and homeless people would "ruin it".
There's no ethical reason why we should live at the expense of others.

SkepticPower31 6 Feb 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Which is why one of my favorite charities is City Harvest: []

They rescue surplus food from restaurants and grocery stores around NYC that would otherwise be thrown out and bring it to soup kitchens and food pantries to help the homeless and impoverished.

Instead of cursing the darkness, they are lighting candles...


If only the desire is there and the wish to treat every human with some dignity


There is no fair shake in this mess. Look at Kraft and Childs taking advantage of the lower class. Though the media and the court diminishes their roles and soon enough they are fully re-instated and displayed as Super Knowlegable men now that they have seen the errors in their ways. Soon enough in two years Kraft will find a lovely wife and all will be forgotten. Life carries on.


And the food that restaurants and grocery store toss into the garbage every day...


It's called capitalism. Unless you are willing to embrace socialism, you are wasting your time deploring this situation.


As with most problems, it’s not as simple as one would initially think and the solutions are likewise more difficult.



Of course we have. We need to stop eating lots of red meat and demanding so much.


Everything it needs except the will to do so.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 24, 2019

The sad part


Don't steal from people to soothe your guilt. Don't inflict violence on people to steal their stuff. Don't form a government that uses force on people to steal their stuff.

What was it I said that led you to assume I was proposing violence, theft or such a government. What led you to assume that I feel guilt?

@SkepticPower31, that's what people usually do. That's the kind of society we've set up.

I don't disagree with any of your ideas. I'm just failing to see how you made those assumptions about what I said.

@SkepticPower31, well, you've opened the door. Check out the replies to your post. All want to form a mob and take from people by force using the government.

@GlyndonD who has said that? I certainly haven't.

@SkepticPower31, how would you enforce your collectivism?

@GlyndonD when did I say I wanted to enforce collectivism? You're putting words in my mouth and have completely missed the humanitarian (not political) point of my post.

@SkepticPower31 OK. Sorry about that. But I don't see how any voluntary collectivist group can solve the world's problems. They usually don't survive beyond a few like-minded families. It doesn't take long for members to realize they're being taken advantage of by elites or the lazy.


You have starving people with no shoes in Canada? Baloney!

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