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I feel like non-believers are more likely to entertain the notion of implementing more gun control laws than the religious. I wonder why that is.

HWY287 4 Nov 6

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Non-believers don't have the fear of god nipping at their heels to do something right. They just do it because it's right.

SamL Level 7 Nov 6, 2017

It's logical.


Believers have a built in scapegoat!

mzee Level 7 Nov 6, 2017

If you think about it both religious bgeliefs and gun ownership are both generally based in fear.

I said, "generally". Tha tmeans not everyone, but more than half.

In religion it is just generally a fear of the unknown.

For gun owners, I think it is generally an underlying fear of inadequacy (they feel they are lackign in some way, although the specifics may vary from person to person), and owning a gun may not get rid of the fear, but they feel like people will be less likely to challenge them if they have a gun.


That is because of the co-mingling of religion and right-wing political ideology that has occurred since the 1970s. Those "true believers" are gullible when it comes to the NRA, religious and political demagogues. They don't really control their lives: They let the demagogues do it for them.

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