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Oh, what the hay . . . I'm back on here. Missed being exposed to rational people. Look forward to communicating with this community once again.

RobbyBlue48 4 Feb 26

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Nice to have you back. It is a safe space, and there is always something to learn or enjoy!


Hi Robby x


It is indeed a nice community, and I have come to look forward to my frequent visits!


Welcome back and I hope to hear more from you on here.


Same username or new one?

@RobbyBlue48 You can PM SiteSupport and ask if the old account can be activated. She's done it for other members who have a change of heart.
(It's up to you - some like to reincarnate).
Welcome back.


Hey! Im new on here, but thats why I came also...rational conversation


Yeah....its amazing how quickly one becomes addicted to rational. Welcome back...


Where were you?

@RobbyBlue48 Well, you need to take care of yourself and think why you let those buttons to be pushed, because there will always be people in this world who don't have the same opinion that you or me have. Personally I think life is too short to get too upset about what anybody else thinks about something or another.


Welcome back.


You may find that people here are only rational on the issue of religion. On the other issues, I have found they are much like the general population. In other words, I made the same mistaken assumption that you have made.


Welcome back to the asylum.

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