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And I thought I had a tough childhood:

11-year-old shepherd Hamdu Sena Bilgin and her dog carrying a newborn goat and its mother in Yağcılar, Rize, Turkey

bigpawbullets 9 Feb 28

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That's not even a GOOD photo shop.... I'm familiar with those goats, and no way is it (the mother goat that is) in that backpack.. Sorry,,, but it did make for a cool picture.. ? Besides, unless the big goat was injured or something, it could easily follow behind that dog on it's own.. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

Agreed. But I did think it pretty cool. Can't imagine a goat putting up with that. Especially with her kid being hauled by a dog.

@bigpawbullets You can carry a kid if the mom is walking near you & can see her baby.

Ok... I'll take your word for that

@bigpawbullets Yes, you could do that. Here I am walking my herd down the street. No leashes usually needed. I actually can't remember if I was carrying anyone's kid. I'm thinking not, or mom would be much closer.


Who took the photo? At least she wasn't struggling alone. However, in many lands children are expected to graft from the age of 8 or 9, and then graft gets harder with their ages. School is often a useless inconvenience.

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