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Yes, please tell me ?

48thRonin 8 Mar 1

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Yes, yes, we socialist are taking over, so be afraid, be very afraid.


Anyone mind explaining the joke?

First look up Freud and dream interpretation.
Then look up the Russian hysteria created by the mainstream media following the 2016 presidential election.

Once you’re done with then google “ the Russians are to blame “ just like that and I’ll talk with you in a week or once you’re done reading them.

@Pbpierson2 I know who Freud is. I don’t get the Russians part.

@48thRonin Oh. Thanks for filling me in. I suppose I would have gotten it straight away if I saw it in 2016.

@Pbpierson2 Holy fuck call your bartender (cough) I mean sponsor.?


They are online as we speak, the Pentagon blocked several aggressive sites during the last election. If you wish to google it there are several sites that show the Russian memes and sites from the 2016 election, you will recognize many of them I am sure.

Yeah I also saw the senate hearing where one of the top officials from google showed that the “ Russians “ spent an amazing $4700 to warp the minds of millions of Americans.

And if you haven’t seen it then I believe that it too can be found on google.

@48thRonin that was one add buy but yeah, they only spent a few millions on the add buys, they have a special GRU unit that has a few operatives representing hundreds of fake trolls and hundreds of fake "Christian" or "Conservative" sites. They also use trolls and bots to infiltrate liberal sites to split the party. They are doing it in Europe just as hard, disinformation on a global scale trying to undermine democracy.


@48thRonin you hold onto that

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