Stem cells, why the hate? Another person, now the second ever, has been cured of AIDS due to using stem cells that were of a rare genetic mutation. So, why all the hatred? What say ye?
Fwiw the two cases of either being cured or put into recession the virus had nothing to do with stem cells. both had cancers of the blood and had bone marrow transplants from adult living bone marrow donors.
also if by hatred you mean stem cells that are embryonic... almost 2/3 of the research is not embryonic.... which fun with number is also about the percentage that support using embryonic stem cells
‘Baby parts’?. Right-wing rhetoric against abortion, research, science, and ‘god’s will’. Though if a rwnj gets cancer and can be cured with stem cells: THAT would turn into ‘god’s will’. Or impotence...instead of impotence being accepted as ‘gods will’, they want the blue pills(& if those were made from stem cells, they wouldn’t care!).
Same rhetoric brings fear of LGBT folks, plus their inherent fear that rights are like pie: giving a piece to others means less for them. ??
Ignorance, both natural and willful; fear; meanness and selfishness; religious bigotry. All reasons.
The hate comes from right wing propaganda and the fake claims that they are only farmed from unborn fetuses.