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Why are people so opposed to the LGBT community? Do they in anyway hurt the average person? Why do they reject scientific findings regarding sex?

Marine 8 Mar 5

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Religion is toxic. Even among atheists, I see a lot of people who still hold on to the prejudices of our "christian" heritage.

JimG Level 8 Mar 6, 2019

If they believe the actual science it proves their bias.

So of course the science is wrong.


BTW I now block those people. I'm not letting that bashing go on in my groups or in my life anymore. Public notice.

Feel free to check out my profile to see what groups are "Safe" from hate bashing.

It's toxic. I don't care if it's a product of the political environment we're currently living in. I don't live my life that way.

I see it once? It won't be happening again.

I'll cheerfully educate people because I'm an Ally - but I will not let people bash.


I believe GOD is LOVE, not hate. God didn't create people just so they could be hated and oppressed. Only the pseudo-religious and cult leaders teach hate.

God is love?


Because the lord Jesus Christ hates a great many people but none more so than the homosexual...

Family Guy


i honestly have never understood. i was raised to believe that all people are equal and that sexual orientation and gender identity are not a choice. one of my dad's best friends was gay and died of aids when i was 9. i loved him dearly.


It's a byproduct of growing up in many areas.

Preachers clearly preach a man lying with a man is an egregious sin from birth, you grow up learning only stereotypes about gay people. They're all flamboyant and definitely touch other people's penises.

You learn all that around puberty, when you're just starting to figure out that you like girls (sadly, even for some people that don't, because anything else is gross). You can't understand why a man would want to be with another man, and you're nothing like those stereotypes. Maybe you would empathize, except the worst insult in the world your friends can call you is a "faggot" or a "bitch" both effeminate ways of questioning your manhood, and implying you're gay.

Maybe that's not everyone's childhood, but it was certainly mine. Some of my old friends still use "faggot" as an insult. They should know better now, but as kids it's just what we learned. That stuff didn't come from nowhere.


Because the Bible says those people are evil and going to hell. Thats one of the things that confused me so much about the Bible. If God is so loving and knows everything and knows that people are going to be gay then why didn't he either 1) Stop people from being Gay or 2) Miraculously heal someone from being gay. And why is being gay worse than what King David did when he slept with a man's wife and then sent him off to be killed in war and god called King David a man after my own heart.


because they don't want too be wrong so they stay ignerant


Religion is definitely a strong influence on people's beliefs with respect to LGBT people.

BD66 Level 8 Mar 5, 2019

The lack of understanding of science is causing this nation terrible results from LGBT's to the everyday science dealing with vaccines the climate and the new results that medicine is achieving sited as against god (stem cells).So many states are playing with teaching christian design in lieu of evolution or mixing up the information and dumbing down science. This is a crisis that needs to be addressed by the government because left to ed boards it will not get done.

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