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I couldn't take it any more. My cousin who is "pro-life" and a chronic "but what about the children" type Karen has gone full anti-vaxx, on the subject of bodily autonomy of all things. The willful ignorance and real harm done from this sort of stupidity is astounding. My families idiocy is going to kill me and some days I wish they'd just get over with and finish me off. I can't even with this stupidity anymore.

OpposingOpposum 9 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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they may die before you


Peace be with you...


I have not read the bill currently being considered, but if it is at all like vaccine requirements of the past, certain vaccines for high risk diseases would be mandatory, and the rest optional, but recommended. The flu was one of the optionals, previously.

Zster Level 8 Mar 10, 2019

There is alot more in the vacinnes than you relize . They add aluminum and also use aborted fetuses and some will sterilize not you but your future childern and not to mention autizim and death. They want to force iton everyone because there is alot more in those shots than just a vacine.. fuck that ! i don't take the shots never have. I don't get a cold or flu either . Do the reaserch ppl

They do what now? Why would aborted fetal tissue be in vaccines?

@RavenCT There are not fetuses in vaccines. Some of the general public can not wrap their head around using cell culture as a growth medium for viruses.

You sound very poorly informed...there are no fetal cells in Any vaccine, never have been!

@Zster I am aware of that - I wanted TimBo1 to explain that statement.

That question mark was incredulity.

will send you a link
Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Parts for Profit (Undercover Footage) google this or see it on you tube ..warning its graphic

@RavenCT CDC document bombshell reveals list of all vaccine excipients ...
Are these vaccines made with African Green Monkey kidney cells and aborted human fetal cells really used in the United States? YES. This page from the FDA lists all the vaccines which are "licensed for use in the United States," and it includes the vaccines containing African Green Monkey kidney cells and the WI-38 aborted human fetal cells.


@TimBo1 Human cell lines ie a sample taken in 1966 to culture. In no way do I find that morally objectionable.

They are trying to make it sound like ongoing use of fetal tissue when nothing could be further from the truth.

If they ever found any of my cells useful for this purpose I hope they would utilize them saving millions.

It's science and not in the least bit scary.

Also your film clip doesn't link.

@RavenCT regardless , i do not get vacvines. ever


Well, at least you know who to sue when you get Whooping Cough and/or Diptheria...

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