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In the Bush - Gore election (2000) the Florida race was too close to call. It became clear some 3400 votes for Pat Buchanan were meant for Al Gore as the ballot butterfly line up made voters punch the incorrect candidate.

In the end, it was the Conservative SCOTUS who decided to stop the recount giving Bush the win. This deepened the skepticism about the impartiality of fore-said institutions.

And the GOP was considered not to be trusted. To have SCOTUS (federal) decide instead of letting local governments figure it out (State) goes exactly against what they stand (stood) for.

It is not whether Bush won creating the skepticism. It’s about how he won ....

Some things never change

Marcel3405 7 Mar 10

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If Gore had won I wonder how he would have handled 9/11/2001?

I read this article some time ago. If only it really happened with "President Gore".



I remember this election vividly. I was so disappointed with the election results.

I was in Germany. I immediately prepared myself mentally for another trip to the deserts of Iraq.

And where did Dubya send us? Yep, back to Iraq!

I ETSed in '99. I knew a lot of men (I was a cavalry scout) who went back, and although I felt some guilt for not being there with them;I'm glad I can say I wasn't part of that one.


Yep! Republican has become synonymous with hypocritical. Also spineless, corrupt, greedy, ignorant, atavistic,...


I had forgotten just how that came about! I see why the GOP, just runs ‘ruff-shod’ over the rest of the country! Why, because they can!

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