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Secrets of the dead []

Interesting video. It showed that Nero did not start the fire that burned Rome nor did he fiddle while it burned. However, he did seek a scapegoat and pointed the finger at the new sect of Christians. The Christians were hoping for a catastrophe to signify the end of the world (sound familiar). Unfortunately, this only brought their massive persecution and death. Be careful what you wish for.

JackPedigo 9 Mar 11

Enjoy being online again!

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The early Christians were persecuted not for worshiping their god but for refusing to worship the official Roman gods. When Christianity became the official religion they returned the favour, tenfold.
For a brilliant summary of those times read "The darkening age (the christian destruction of the classical world)" by Catherine Nixey. Shows "the religion of love and tolerance" in a new light.

I will write that down and see if it is in our library. Another great book is the "Closing of the Western Mind - The rise of faith and the fall of reason", by Charles Freeman. It's not a page turner but full of information.

Also, the video showed the rise of the "Christians" was while Nero was still alive and before the texts of the cult were actually written. Therefore, it was still a dis-unified cult. The symbol of the cross didn't come into being until the 3rd century ACE.

@JackPedigo Thanks for the links. I will check them out.


I saw this very interesting documentary, trying to separate facts from myths.

I see it as less facts versus myths but more about uncertainties. There are some compelling evidence, though. Unfortunately, history is seldom B & W but often a matter of interpretation.

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