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I wonder if anybody would be interested in a group for those who speak French.
Partir un groupe pour les francophones, ça vaudrait le coup?

QuidamOutrepont 8 Mar 15

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I forgot my French, this might help me get it back. Oui je suis interese.


i reached elementary conversation level decades ago but would enjoy participating as best i can. I have read extensively -- Maupassant, Camus


Unfortunately my only French phrase is 'J'ai un énorme lapin qui aime porter des chapeaux' - which would stifle conversation a bit.


I use be a native speaker, can even read most of it, but can't write in French save my life. That said I would love a chance see more people converse in written French in order keep my edge.


One of my favorites: "Vous pouvez être sûr que les Américains vont commettre toutes les stupidités ils peuvent penser, plus certains qui sont au delà de l'imagination."
"You may be sure that the Americans will commit all the stupidities they can think of, plus some that are beyond imagination."
Charles de Gaulle

THHA Level 7 Mar 15, 2019

I am trying to learn French with the phone app, DuoLingo. But I am not at the point where I could join in the conversation.

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