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I was in class today on the UofM’s campus when a classmate got a “really scary” message. An automated voice said there was an “active shooter alert” on campus. “RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.” We checked the website to make sure it was actually from our DPS. It was. It was not in our building, but not far away. A classmate said “We leave. Run means get away from the threat. We don’t stay here if we can leave.” He is retired military – we followed his lead. We left. We FLED. We stayed calm, but it was terrifying. From my car, messaging my son, calling my parents, to let them know I was ok, letting my best friend know that I was leaving campus. Texting my boss to ask if she was off-campus and safe.

Thankfully it was a false alarm. And with that knowledge it’s easy to think this is overdramatic. But it was terrifying. I wasn’t locked down. I didn’t hear the sounds that caused the panic. No one was hurt. And it was F*CKING TERRIFYING. And I am beyond furious right now that this is a thing that happens in our society. That “active shooter” happens often enough that the sound of balloons popping causes panic and chaos. That this is a thing that happens, far too often to children. And it could have been so much worse. I am so angry. And you should be too.

A2Jennifer 8 Mar 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I am like you. We did not grow up with this horrific reality and it is becoming the norm. We have to change this.


But you can't take our guns away. It's in the constitoooshun


I’m sorry for your traumatic experience. I get angry because my 16-year-old niece sees an active shooter drill as just another Tuesday at school.

that’s something I didn’t even realize my kid was subjected to - the school didn’t give notice that they did that and he didn’t think to mention it.

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