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Every French man, woman, juvenile, or infant consumes 44,2 litres of wine every year. This volume puts them on the podium in second potion … after the Vatican whose predominantly catholic population consumes a whopping 73,8 litres pc between the 1st of January and the 31 of December of every years, despite the Carême of 40 days. Thus these holly men drink themselves into the gold medal position.

PontifexMarximus 8 Mar 19

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I seriously doubt every infant consumes 44.2 litres of wine a year.


Looks like the priests have time to drink. Do they have to be drunk to rape children?

zesty Level 7 Mar 19, 2019

While in the Navy, we sailed for a while with a French ship. Their crew had a ration of two bottles of wine a day. I always wondered, if they went to war, where the hell did they store the munitions?


The population of the Vatican City is only 801 ....46.7 of whom are men (2018 figures). 73.8 litres of wine equals approx 92 x 75cl bottles. That is less than 2 bottles per head per week! Hell, I know people here in the UK who drink that all the time and it’s considered normal. I would question your figures, having travelled extensively in both France and Italy, and think in both countries they would consume considerably more than two bottles of wine per head per week.

I probably do to be honest.

@Amisja Me too, but I didn’t want to say so! ?

@Allamanda We in the UK have an unenviable reputation in the Mediterranean countries, where we go on holiday. Our young people are notorious for binge drinking, but that isn’t necessarily wine, but more dangerously shots, and cocktails. They go out with the sole purpose of getting drunk, in our cities and towns at the weekends and when they’re on holiday it’s a weeklong binge in some cases! We British are relatively new to wine drinking, it really only started to become popular in the 1970s ....but talk about taking to it like a duck to water! Yes I think the French have become more health conscious, but they still drink a considerable amount of wine, albeit in a more sensible and moderate way than the British. Italians drink a lot of wine, maybe more than the French, and of course the Spanish and Greeks do too. I just think these figures quoted are wrong,

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