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Who really has the moral high ground . . . . . Fuck American exceptionalism and imperialism.

THHA 7 Mar 21

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I don’t feel good about these things, but I am limited with little or no power to force change! How much impact were you able to make against our runaway government?


Why does someone need to have a high moral ground?
The USA media created this mith of a power needs to be moral.
They never were, they never will be. Countries have interests, united states simply masks them as moral imperatives.
The Venezuelan question is to not open the Venezuelan oil to China and Russia, making the cheapest oil that USA buys become more expensive.
Maduro is there for the power also, Venezuela had a project of regional power, using oil money to rivalize with Brazil and Argentina(and was successful for some time). With the oil crisis and the increasing corruption amongst the increasing number of generals, the own country became impossible to manage.
Do not forget that USA and venrzuela bark at each other, but the oil commerce never stopped. The embargo is for anything else except oil. And the only embargo really effective world be on oil. BUT... Then we are talking about too big business XD

Russia does not need Venezuelan oil, Russia has as much oil as it needs, in fact, Russia is the third largest oil producer. When you start saying that any country can just do whatever the hell they want to do with another countries resources, you are asking for trouble bigger that you may imagine.

Think of it this way . . .
There are many countries with nuclear arms nowadays, and, sooner or later someone is going to step on the toes of the wrong country, and the shit will hit the fan. And, that is EXACTLY what most of the younger folks do not seem to get is that you cannot recall nuclear weapons, and. it is human nature to wait until a disaster happens before doing anything about it. The problem with that is that there are plenty of dumb asses in Washington think that they can endlessly get away with stepping on the toes of other countries, and there will be no consequences. Most people do not realize that even a nuclear exchange between small countries like India and Pakistan could end the human race. That is right.
Nuclear weapons are not that safe haven that most people seem to think they are with their notion of "assured mutual destruction". Why? Because if I am country A, and I have nuclear weapons, and I am getting my ass wooped by country B, I am not going to just take it. . . . . and history bears me out on this point. If you look at previous conflicts, there was a constant escalation in the deadliness and power of weapons as most wars progressed. . . . . . . so go on about how we should pay no attention to moral questions like international laws, etc., . . .
People who think that way are going to be the ones who ultimately, effect the end of their own lives, the lives of their children, and, the human race for that matter . . . it is not a matter of IF it will happen any more, it is only a question of WHEN it will happen, the statistics are very much against the human race lasting much longer.

@THHA ok Russia might go away but China... XD. Cheap and good quality oil in never too much.

@THHA, @OwlInASack moral standards are just for the voters. You are fooled when you think like this, you eat the news your leaders or their leaders like you to eat.
To understand what is going on and have an effective way to act you ned to understand the real reasons.
It's all business and money. It's all powers creating spheres of influence and trying to drift countries away from other spheres of influence.
Venezuela is aligning with other powers, US will fight back, but to gain support they will claim high moral ground.
Stop believing in PR and look the money flow, the resources flow etc.
While you discuss moral ground there are people dying, and no one gives a shit about it. Because of your government really gave a shit there are far worse places in the globe to act. Including redirecting military budget to save your own population XD.

The US did not create the "mith" (Myth) that counties need the higher moral ground. It is age old. And if there is such a thing as morality then why should it apply any less to a country than a person.

@Fernapple it's not about it exists or not, it is about it is the real reason for the actions or just a public relations excuse.

@Pedrohbds It always has been fake in most countries, and most ages, but fake morality at least does not undermine the feeling for morality. Though it can lead to tribal elitist and racist prejudice, based on feelings of moral superiority.

"While you discuss moral ground there are people dying, and no one gives a shit about it." Did you bother to stop to think that maybe that was what I was talking about in the first place? Also you claim I "You are fooled when you think like this, you eat the news your leaders or their leaders like you to eat." You do not know me at all. I read Russian news, Arabic news, and I well understand how much the American media lies, so you are all wet in that assessment, and way off track. As OwlInASack said, "@Pedrohbds that’s really quite patronizing" I would agree with that assessment. In fact, had you looked at a few of the links I posted on the other comment below, perhaps you would not have got so far off track.

@THHA I believe he is responding to the emotion that comes across in your post and replies.

@beenthere - Stop being so emotional . . .


This guy is a POS too! He's no better! He is LITERALLY selling his own people out!

I wonder how much is "selling his people out" and how much is total incompetence and sticking to a failed ideology ?

If the US were interested in "minimizing" the suffering of the Venezuelan people, don't you think they would have refrained from placing economic sanctions on the country? []
If the US and its allies was interested in "minimizing" the suffering of the Venezuelan people, don't you think they would have returned to Venezuela what is rightfully Venezuela's? []
Maybe this is why Venezuela does not want your charity.

It is all about OIL, nothing more, nothing less.

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