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How bad is it when a bible basher is on a street corner shouting religious drool.

Green_lucifer 4 Mar 23

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They use to be on the sidewalk near campus. I'd say good morning to them everyday. Then again I said good morning everyday to the crazy homeless guy so...


When we visited Seattle awhile ago there was one driving slowly through downtown near the fish market, belching condemnation over a giant bullhorn. Woke me up from a perfectly sound sleep in my hotel room. I came very close to going downstairs and pulling that guy right out of the car and shoving the microphone up his arse.


Most of them here seem to be fairly old and passive, so I just ignore them, In any case if I did tackle them, they would probably just zoom off at high speed on their mobility scooters.


They used come door knocking back in the 80’s. I can’t say I’ve come across any since then. I would have zero patience now. Them spreading their ignorance and slowing down intellectual progress.


It is pretty sad and pathetic really, they may as well be carrying a big neon sign saying "Here to be taken the piss out of."


It bothers me, but as I do not live in big cities for a long time, I do not encounter them frequently

I never meet bible bashers. I wish I did. At the moment I get my fun from watching youtube videos defending George Pell. I post comments about him being a digusting paedophile and I recommend viewers read David Marr´s essay, "The Prince". Sadly my efforts are not appreciated. I am satan´s minion.

If they try to hand me a flyer, I glanced at it and declare that I own a Bible and it has more verses in it than the flyer. If they insist I keep it, I WILL tell them I'm throwing it away (hopefully there's a trash can within their view so they know I'm not bluffing as I throw it away).
I have engaged with a few because I DO know the Bible better than these idiots, and I can make them feel stupid if I have the time.
They irritate me obviously.

I wonder how many of them have actually read it all


Very few, and even many pastors didn't study it like I did (while I was still a Christian, I confounded many of them).

Blind uneducated faith


Where are you seeing these kinds of things? I think I saw someone like this on a college campus back in 94/95, but I don’t recall seeing any since. Maybe I have and simply forgot.

If I did, I think I’d just walk by and ignore them. Perhaps I’d give a smile if we caught eyes.

Apparently it happens a lot in the town I was at. Castlemaine, Vic, Aus


It has been at least 5 years since I last saw one. I rolled down my passenger window and let him know of a couple of the contradictions and atrocities in that book he was holding.

They don't like that haha.. preach for a preach


I just walk by and ignore the idiot.


I find it entertaining. I typically take a seat and listen.

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