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Usernames.... How did you choose your username for agnostic and what's the story behind it.... ? Would you ever change it and if so, why?

I choose my username because my Dad called me cutiebeauty since I was born and up until I was ten years old when he and my Mom were killed...

Cutiebeauty 9 Mar 25

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A friend use to call me Sticks and I was born in 1948, but you can call me Larry. πŸ™‚


Meili is my name. I'm trying to think of a sufficiently clever pseudonym to change it to before I start applying for jobs in the near future. None of the things my parents called me when I was a kid would be appropriate....


I made it up in the late 90's, when Yahoo Chat was just starting... It's been a character name in a couple of video games since... Sometimes I wonder if the first time the writer saw the name was in Yahoo chat... Good Ol LOL


Wish I could say something exciting, clever, blah blah but no.... I am who I am - silver highlights, 50 yo body, name & all....


As I posted in answer to the same question about 4 months ago, my user name is my name. How's that for super-novelty?

How bout that? Same here


My Nic is a bastardization of my real name by a credit card company. Of course they wouldn't notice the mistake because Lerlo is such a common name. πŸ™‚ I got the credit card over the phone and when I got the card and told them they spelled my name wrong they said I had to fill out a form. I said no, I got the card over the phone, you spelled my name wrong. When I got the new card they spelled my last name wrong. I've been Lerlo to many of my friends ever since.

Because my real name is uncommon and difficult for some people I have many nicknames so there's no reason to change this nic to just another one.

As for the people who think we should use real names, once you have mine I'm an open book because of its unusual nature, and I choose carefully who gets to know all about my life and when

lerlo Level 8 Mar 25, 2019

Ahhh so it is all because of an incompetent phone operator... ?

@Heidi68 yep


indirect - short for β€˜indirection operator’ which is a computer nerd thing.

76 - year of birth

I’ve had this or similar β€˜handles’ since the BBS days. BBS = bulletin board service.


Mine is a play on my middle name. I’ve become quite fond of it as a user name in other settings. I think I’ll leave it ?


I'm using my original AOL , minus the aol part. LB are the initials of the name I've used since childhood, although it's not the name on my birth certificate. "12 star" describes my tattoos, which I'd just gotten way back then. They are small and start at my foot/ankle, and go to my knees, hips, belly, arm, shoulder, collarbone and back, spaced using artistic license, in the constellation Virgo.

I'm not really into horoscopes, but at the time I was trying to think of something creative tattoo-wise that wasn't big, or someone else's art, and people who were into horoscopes often told me I was "Such a Virgo", that when the idea popped into my head I went with it. Stars ? are my favorite shape, and violet is my favorite color, so 12 of them accenting my body here and there seemed just right?


'xyz' comes from a possible rock group made up of members from 'Yes' and 'Led Zepplin' - xyz.Back in the late 70's. 'The Firm' was the end result -- didn't last too long. The '123' has no meaning other than I needed more characters. πŸ™‚


Nothing creative. Just my middle and last name


I've called my daughter Sweetie from day one right up until now. She's twenty three. It's become a reflex action, in fact I have to make a deliberate effort to call her by name. I hope that she likes it. I've never thought until now to ask her.
My user name is my name and my zipcode. Pretty original, huh?


My nickname in Ireland and my surname. Simple as that.


Spider Goat milk + man
Because I was tired of having numbers in my name.


Mine is pretty self-explanatory.

JimG Level 8 Mar 25, 2019

Mine also....

I had to use the Scottish version of James,
Since you already had my first name and first initial of my last name.

@Haemish1 is there a James here?

I don’t know - I go by Jim, unless it’s the police or my mother asking questions.
I kind of like Haemish tooπŸ˜‰

@Haemish1 Same here. If it's the police I use my brother's name.

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