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My take on Xian mythology...

"God sent God to die for God so that God could forgive God's creations according to God's unbending rules."

Too Rube Goldberg for my tastes.

WilliamCharles 8 Mar 26

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So this Omnipotent God Being who can create life, HUMAN or animal, etc, from mere dust ACTUALLY needs to have an ANGEL impregnate a human woman to re-create himself when he already created life from dust, so he can sacrifice himself, which is NOT really a sacrifice anyway because he cannot die, to himself to gain forgiveness for his creations that he already knew that they would sin in the first place because he is Omniscient ( All Knowing).
Yeah that makes a lot of sense, NOT.

Nutty, huh? I've said to most believers, if I hear something that makes sense... fine. But that ain't it.


At least Rube Goldberg contraptions WORK. Religious "logic", not so much.

Also I'd add that god's rules are not only unbending, but arbitrary.

God, being god, could decide that whatever I do is fine with him. Or he could make me incapable of disobeying him. Or he could have refrained from making me at all, or from giving me any freedom of choice or self-awareness.

Any malfunction a hypothetical (or real) deity would have with me would be entirely that deity's self-created and self-perpetuated problem. And for that deity to then (1) make me a certain way and then (2) punish me (infinitely!) for being that way is also illogical and unjust.

I'm just gobsmacked by the nonsensical notion,

"I'd like to forgive you... but first I gotta kill my kid."

I've always found the concept of blood sacrifice insanely barbaric.

"A God who could make good children as easily a bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who could have made every one of them happy, yet never made a single happy one; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; who gave his angels eternal happiness unearned, yet required his other children to earn it; who gave is angels painless lives, yet cursed his other children with biting miseries and maladies of mind and body; who mouths justice, and invented hell--mouths mercy, and invented hell--mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied by seventy times seven, and invented hell; who mouths morals to other people, and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes, yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man's acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally, with altogether divine obtuseness, invites his poor abused slave to worship him!”

― Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger


Yes, but believers get out of this strict take on it by giving their god 3 identities and one of them has sex with Mary.

Mary was a very early #MeToo.

Well, in fact the 3 identities are the Entity and not separate from the Entity, e.g. the layers of the onion ARE the onion and not vice versa.
That was one of the things Lecturers during my studies in Theology and Comparative Modern Religions kept instilling into us.

@WilliamCharles Or, possibly a wee bit of 'loose' moraled young lady who got caught with an unexpected 'bun in the oven, 'didn't want to end up being stoned to death for adultery and invented the whole 'God did it story' with which the Xrstian world has swallowed hook, line and sinker ever since?

@Triphid Life of Brian lol.

@WilliamCharles The god who did it was Joseph and he was full of the holy spirit. The idea of Mary coming up with her clever story to save her from being stoned would beg us to believe she was the only person in those days who got pregnant before marriage.
Also note that biblical genealogy lists Joseph as the father. In the same book at the same time - god as father and Joseph as father. The writers are smarter than "Mary's clever story."

@Triphid there's so many logical inconsistencies in the triune god of my Catholic upbringing.

I also reject the notion of Christ's "suffering" on the whole as he "knew" the ultimate nature of reality, and that his "sacrifice" was no more than play acting essentially.

I do like the description Alan Watts gave the concept of the Trinity: the lover (God), the beloved (Jesus), and the love between them (the Holy Spirit).

@DenoPenno Get real please mate, anyone can list anyone they like as being their father, especially back in times gone by.
Plus, I think you are NOT quite up with the Immaculate Conception Myth simply because it states that Mary was a Virgin ( not a Virgo btw) and "unto her an Angel appeared and told her she would bear a son who would be the son of God."
And, Joseph was NOT wed to Mary at that time either in actual fact, according to the myth, they were only BETROTHED, therefore had he NOT fallen for Mary's 'alibi' she would have stoned to death for adultery

@DenoPenno, @WilliamCharles Hmm yes, and the Life of Brian makes far more sense than that which it seeks to parody imo.

@Triphid I'm very well aware of the bible myths here. As for Mary, a "young woman" would have been a more accurate translation that "virgin." Not many of us believe there was anything "immaculate" about the conception either, and I don't know anyone who really believes in "angels." Many say they do without proof.

@DenoPenno Yes well, the Hebrew word meaning 'virgin' can mean both young woman and or a woman/girl both nubile and not yet having known ( in the biblical sense here) a man.
As a Professor once told me, " In every myth/legend, etc, there is usually 1 iota of fact/truth to be found but it is so deeply entangled in embellishments, etc it is almost impossible to detect."
Historical records show clearly that the Ancient Romans, Legionaries in particular, practiced a sexual position known a the 'Lioness Position' for anal intercourse in the off-chance of preventing unwanted pregnancies.
Medical sciences have shown that sperm CAN survive outside of the penis/birth canal for a few hours at the least and sperm is often found to dribble out of the birth canal are intercourse, ergo, it may have occurred SHOULD this 'virgin'(???) have had anal sex, NOT that I believe ANY of the religious twaddle in any way, shape or form that is.
As for the mythological 'winged angels' of the Goat-Herders Guide to the Galaxy, they inception can easily be dated back to both Mesopotamian and Ancient Egyptian depictions of 'winged human-like beings' e.g, the Goddess Isis of Egypt and her sister Nephtys.
Very little, or in reality nothing, in the bible is original to say the very least, it is ALL plagiarized and twisted accounts taken from far, far older cultures/civilisations in and around the region ad can be easily proven to be so.

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