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So.... after perusing Facebook and current affairs and feeling my rage surge at Trump, states now outlawing abortion, bible classes now approved in public schools....and a few televangelists videos on women needing to stay home and shut up....I'm ready to beat some ass!
Or....switch over here, take a breath and visit with people who actually use their brains and can articulate. Thanks for being here, and for being who you are. My island of "sanity". Ugh....the weight of the fucked up world.....continually glad I found you all. Peace.

Freespirit64 8 Mar 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Channel the rage into something constructive, like helping some one who's worse off than you.

Or go smoke a bowl. I'm flipping a coin to see which one I do after breakfast.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 26, 2019

I smoked a bowl, or two...


Why do you do that to yourself?

Well you gotta stay informed....ugh


I am a US citizen. I have also have had the ability to travel around the world and live in many different locations. For the first time in my life I am seriously considering a permanent move to another country. This sad and consistant erosion of laws / rights are a sad state of affairs.

I am too chicken to move abroad but I understand your sentiment


Brexit, Trump, anti-immigration movements, racism, sexism... Fascist ideologies seem to be flooding the world right now. I wake up every day with a sense of dread. I'm tempted to leave my country, but I fear it won't shield me from this conspiracy of hatred and greed. It's become a world-wide phenomenon.

I'm so embarrassed to be a human right now, I won't let my dog watch TV. I don't want her to think I'm one of "them."

I see you live in Kansas. I just drove through there and in just that brief contact via radio stations and stopping for gas It felt very strange, moreso than the TExas panhandle and Oklahoma

@btroje Sadly, it's true. Kansas has become even deeper red than it used to be. The failure of the Brownback experiment hasn't even slowed them down. They're energized and inspired by Trump.


They can’t get at you when you’re here with us. I am using the site to escape from the madness that is Brexit on this side of the Atlantic. Maybe all the sane people in the world who actually use their brains instead of acting like lemmings, should find a big uninhabited place and settle it together.....any islands out there for sale? In the meantime I’m sending you hugs from me! ?

@Wangobango3 That is an oversimplification of why over half the electorate voted leave....we have been fed a diet of lies about how the EU was a dictatorship of unelected bureaucrats in Brussels by a Eurosceptic rump in both the Conservative and Labour parties ever since we joined in 1973. This has been aided by our right wing press daily telling us we’d be better back in the glory days when we ruled the world. The EU is probably the most democratic alliance in the world. Every country elects MEPs to the Parliament in Strasbourg, the Council of Ministers (the heads of States of each make the policy and the Parliament debates it). The civil servants in Brussels draught the legislation, they don’t dictate policy. Every country has a veto on any legislation they don’t like. There cannot be any other organisation which is so egalitarian. The immigration policy wasn’t being imposed on the U.K. ....that is a complete misconception, but there are a lot of people in the U.K. who thought we had too many immigrants, however we need them to keep the country running, especially in the NHS and hospitality sector. We know that we will have to replace EU migrants with those from farther afield after we leave.....the ones who voted leave will like that even less, as they will undoubtedly not be white immigrants. Other reasons people wanted to leave were numerous, but all were spurious, especially the argument that we could do better trade deals on our own! How can anyone believe that they will get a better deal as a lone state rather than a trading block? No, the little Englanders have an inflated opinion of how great we are, and are living in a Great Britain of 100 years ago, they are trying to drag us all back with them.

@Marionville, one of the best summations of the Brexit mess I have read. Thank you very much for the insightful breakdown. The idiocy of the Right Wing hate groups is an international issue, and their ability to get the sheep to flock behind their lies and conspiracy theories is dragging the whole world backwards rather than forward.

@Barnie2years Sadly you are seems to be a nostalgia for times long gone, when White was might!

@Marionville thanks for that education!


Hugs, at least you don't have BREXIT to look forward to!

Yeah. Sorry.....

@Freespirit64 hahaha

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