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Rick Scott, the very man who created HCA and defrauded Medicare for over a billion dollars. He resigns just prior to the sentencing stage and his company paid over 600 million in fines.
Now he is point man for revamping USA healthcare.
Another win for trump as we tire of this winning.

EMC2 8 Apr 1

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Trump was right about all the winning being more than we can take. He keeps winning at all these corrupt initiatives and malignant political placements and the rest of us can't take any more of it.


Why can't these douche bags just get hit by a speeding bus? Or better yet, have a house drop on them after a particlarly strong tornado.


The man should be headed to prison, not to a high level government position. And we wonder why there is little respect for the law, and why our moral fabric is circling the drain ....


The President wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act merely because its chief sponsor was (is) a black man. Trump's racism is so pronounced that he is willing to kick millions of Americans off their health insurance just to destroy his predecessor's legacy. And this is not even his most egregious fault. This President has made the removal of environmental protections the centerpiece of his policy agenda. He has worked hard to make it easy for corporations to despoil the land, pollute the water, and defile the air. He is dedicated to obstruct progress in the development and implementation of the green energy technologies we desperately need in order to avoid climate catastrophe. His is a comprehensive plan: make Americans sick, injure Americans, and block their access to healthcare. Clearly, this President does not have our best interests at heart.

What a ridiculous and completely unsubstantiated claim. The PPACA is very similar to the Republican HEART bill from the early 1990's (in fact there are only a few rather minor differences), and more than 85% of the language was actually written by health insurance lobbyists. Maybe do a little homework before bandying about the word "racist" to push your political perspective. Unless, of course, you only care about deliberately trying to make one political party synonymous with racism.

Stick to objective fact. The last thing this country needs right now is further polarization due to very subjective opinions that draw on hatred as their main argument. Believe it or not, one can be against an idea without it having anything at all to do with another person's skin color. Might come as a bit of a surprise to you, but many of us don't think of everything in the context of race. Sometimes people genuinely believe something is a bad idea all on its own merits. Novel idea to someone who sees everything from the perspective of race, I know.

Fact: Trump has gone out of his way to erase every trace of his predecessor. Fact: Trump IS a racist (witness his redlining black folks out of his properties, his statements supporting white supremacists ["some very fine people"], his denigration of "shit-hole" African countries). It is also true that he his pandering to his base, and it's also true that at least some in that base are white supremacists. It's also true that "the base" has swallowed, hook, line, and sinker, the neoliberal ideology that free markets can solve all problems and all government regulations are bad. This poppycock has been promulgated largely by think tanks and politicians funded by corporate interests. The corporations are the tail wagging this dog, and they are concerned with profit, not race. So no, race is not the prime mover; corporate money is. Race is a distraction; a red herring, if you will. But it is also a very real element in the mentality of Trump and his base.

@Flyingsaucesir I am not at all defending Trump, or his pick for the post (Rick Scott). I think they are both deplorable people, let alone politicians. I am simply saying that we go to "racism" way too quickly anymore. I seriously doubt even an ass hat like Trump is against the PPACA simply because Obama is black. That is utterly ridiculous and is complete supposition. It really has no place or purpose in a reasoned, logical discussion. It is far more likely that his motivations are geared toward enriching his friends, or trying to push his own legacy that he thinks is "better" for America (which really means for himself, and other elitist millionaires and billionaires like him).

But I completely agree with you that Trump is an egotistical, narcissistic ass hat, xenophobic, misogynistic, a liar, a cheat, a thief, a hypocrite, and very immature. But I don't think he hates all people automatically based on their skin color alone. Few people are actually that way, in my experience. But it sure is easy and convenient to demonize those we are disgusted by and disagree with. Personally, I try to stay a little more balanced, even when talking/thinking about a crappy human being like Trump.


Just another swamp critter joining this gang.


There is a lot of Republicans in Florida not caring about anybody else but their pockets.

Hell everybody is such a baby, I live in Florida and where we are tough. Under Rick Scott, we did not complain at all, we learned to sell body parts to pay our medical bills. We were willing too make the ultimate sacrifice. My wife had a cancer surgery scheduled and a week before I turned 62 and was let go of my professional career, We lost insurance that very day. I was livid and went after our governor Scott . I received a letter from the governor's office notifying me of the senior discount at walk in clinics. Wow what a fucking leader and then to see him get the Senate seat was just ridiculous. I mean, we believe Andrew Gilliam won , the same as we believe Al Gore won. We are deep south rigged into a right wing political machine BUT it is eroding away.

Sadly, this is not a phenomenon reserved for the GOP.


Wish he, trump and turtle would jump out of a plane, over the grand canyon, into a river of burning oil, filled with fire eating sharks...Wait what was I saying again


Skeletor's 72 counts of fraud all magically disappeared. I'm still not sure
exactly what happened there.
The idiot republicans of Florida gave him two terms as governor.
He and 45 were made for each other.

It's amazing what having corrupt friends in the right places will do for a criminal. And now this ass hat of a fraudster has been appointed to be one of our "leaders". And some wonder why respect for the law and the moral fabric are circling the drain.

@Piratefish Now that 45 has put Skeletor in charge of coming up with a republican replacement for the ACA, we're ALL even more fucked than we were before. I will never forgive anyone who voted for either of them.
They should have to suffer some really severe and painful consequences for their stupidity. They won't, but they'should.

@KKGator Just for the record, I don't think any political party has the solution. Most politicians, regardless of party affiliation, are primarily in it for themselves. The problem is, we don't have political parties anymore, so much as political cults.


As a Floridian, I can say with certainty that Scott is just as corrupt and morally bankrupt as Trump.


So we're just letting convicted felons and fraudsters openly run our government now? Iceland is looking more and more attractive every year.


Florida elected him governor after his fraud conviction and then senator. WTF?

No kidding. I thought a felony conviction made one ineligible to hold a public office.

He was never convicted. I believe four management went to prison but Scott took a 12 million dollar window in stocks and avoided being indicted. Then he got to keep his shares of HCA
So he did not get convicted and this is his reward. He is a very good friend of Trump and they do hang in Florida.

Scott's attorney general Pam Bondi was the one who dropped the Trump University lawsuit right after a sizable campaign donation she collected. Trump singled her out yesterday at that fucked up prison reform back patting fest.

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