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Too dumb to realize that you have to solve the problem at the source, not just deal with the results.

Trump ramps up rhetoric on undocumented immigrants: 'These aren't people. These are animals.'

Dan Rather:
The President likening human beings to animals is despicable. I've seen this playbook before, words weaponized into bloodshed. His sneering rhetoric must be denounced. All who remain silent stand on the side of an insidious and dangerous scapegoating of our fellow human beings. []

jerry99 8 Apr 6

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If we don’t address the imigration problem we will have a terrible overpopulation problem. Not to mention all the other problems associated with illegal imigration.


So fix the problem at the source.. Where do you consider that to be?


He's gone beyond the farm, that's for certain.

cava Level 7 Apr 6, 2019

He makes me sick.

Carin Level 8 Apr 6, 2019
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