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Anyone who thinks Heavy Metal music is not complex should watch some of the work of Two Guys with Cellos.

I have posted a video them doing Thunderstruck by AC/DC.

Watch the audience reaction especially the kids.

There are many other examples of Heavy Metal/Hard rock being performed with classical instruments that shows many of the songs are stunningly beautiful.

BufftonBeotch 8 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, 2Cellos are good.


That was great, thanks

Do a search for Sweet Child of Mine done by an orchestra.


Lots of metal is based on classical. Listen to Dissection, In Flames, or At The Gates. Dissection was heavily influenced by classical.

I hate when people dismiss it.

@BufftonBeotch Yep. Some people just hear "nonsense". If you look at Dissection, they are based on classical, and the lyrics are written like poems! A guy that lived in the next apartment to me said he was a Catholic preist. We played guitar often. One night I had him listed to Where Dead Angles Lie. He loved it! He did not agree with the lyrics, but loved the guitar!

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