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Republicans Freak Out As Data Shows Their Party Is Dying

Dhiltong 8 Apr 8

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the only way to have a real democracy is with proportional representation which some euro countries such as germany have. the big complaint against it is that there are so many different diverse groups of people represented that not much gets done. to me that would be a good thing. it seems every time the 2 major parties agree on something it's for the benefit of the moneyed classes AKA the military/industrial/security complex.


One can hope....Sending thoughts and prayers?


Youngs nones and children of foreign born....


Likely too good to be true.


Excellent news. Not surprising, considering how right-wing extremist the Republican Party has become. Republicans welcome:

bigots, racists, haters, Nazis, sexists, white supremacists, climate change deniers, gun manufacturers, evangelical Christians, anti-abortion zealots, anti-education, anti-middle class, anti-environmental protection, big oil, polluters, etc.

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