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I am still on Rep Doug Collins, mailing list from Ga. and he just sent out information about his efforts to ‘end Cruel Practice of Infanticide.’ He is trying to get passed the ‘Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.’ The Republicans have reframed ‘legal abortion,’ into the ‘killing of infants!’
What I want to impart here is easy to blow off steam here on our laws being dismantled by the Republicans using any means possible...but words are free and cheap! If we don’t get more creative in our protest against the Republicans/Evangelicals...we stand to loose more than just the legal abortion law. Collins, made sure in his E-mail that ‘as a pastor,’ he wants to get this law passed! And, he pointed out that the Democrats have blocked all the efforts to get this law passed. (Fortunately so far.) But this is only one area where the Republicans reframe an issue, only to insight rage from Americans to slant the issue in their favor! We Americans who believe in a woman’s right to make decisions concerning her own body must speak ‘truth to the power,’ to the Evangelicals...otherwise, when they are finished twisting the laws already in place, in the next year and half...we WILL be living in a EVANGELICAL America! Blowing off steam on this site, may placate our fears momentarily...but it lacks courage to take our elected officials to task over destroying stable laws that protect everyone! It takes little courage to stay behind locked doors and complain...and, ‘I should have done something,’ said like smoke blowing in the wind! What will you do now?

Freedompath 9 Apr 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Women put Trump in office as much as any other group. SCOTUS should overturn Roe V. Wade if only to send a thank-you message to those ladies. Also, the evangelicals will whither twice as fast if they are denied the anti-abortion issue to rally the troops.

Those anti-abortion people want to punish little children and take them from their parents, for having the audacity to get to...and cross our borders! Poll them and you will find out, what they stand against! They could care less, that some of those children may never be reunited with their parents! Their humanity must have been slipping long before trump came along, and now they have found ‘their’ leader that will take them to ‘their’ rightful place...that those OTHER people DO NOT deserve to be! It’s very CHRISTIAN!


If the government is going to continue to steal my money (taxes), then I want my tax dollars used to pay for abortions.

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