Is anyone else completely fucking grossed out by old men on here posting pics of young women who could be their granddaughters? I will never not be disgusted. Wtf is wrong with men.
Seems this needs to be said: if these men were posting nude pics of themselves or these women were doing the same, I would have no problem with it. I have seen it all already, thanks. The problem here is dirty old men exploiting vulnerable young women. The guys posting this stuff will have zero repercussions but there are many scenarios where these photos coming to light could go badly for these women.
P.s. if you think calling me the thought police is going to shut me up, your gpnna learn alittle something today. Open floors for free speach are for ALL opinions. Not just yours.
I haven’t seen anyone posting any pictures here in the likes you mentioned. So, I’m not certain to what age you consider a child.
I doubt most of these situations the women are being taken advantage of. The other way around is just as likely.
The entire basis of your argument is based of your opinion and your personal moral structure. That’s only relative to you.
Who cares if you think it’s bad.
There’s an entire catalog of things I don’t like, but I’m not yammering on about them like they are the fucking gospel just because it’s my opinion.
I’m not sure why you care.
I don’t date women my age typically because I find most people my age boring.
The vast majority of my friends are 30: male and female. I find this age group to be more consistently with the life I like to live.
I’d date any age from young to old if I enjoyed the company and found them attractive.
No My opinion is based on statistical fact and a basic grasp of human behavior.
Ok then please provide some peer reviewed “statistical fact.”
Otherwise it’s just your opinion.
i fancy who i fancy and that is that. nothing is going too change that. its completly natural too be attracted too the opposit sex in there prime too. the big old bull elephants don't just look at elephants there own age and vice verser. the pictures are of woman who want too be looked at or they wouldnt egsist. it works both ways too. this does NOT make me a rapist or a kiddy fidler however. i don't actually put many pictures up of young beautiful woman but nothing will ever stop me looking and thinking as i am human. i don't see any mention of the young good looking men put up by the ladies of varying age eithere. wake up or block me. frankly i don't care one bit and can not and will not put blinkers on for anyone. do you only fancy humans 41 plus ? or don't you fancy anyone? trust me you have the problem.
No I like people my own age, who are not children. Killing the old and weak is natural too, do you suggest that as well?
@OpposingOpposum i never said children at all. the old and weak do die. dying is a huge part of life. you like who you want as thats your perogative. i like all ages within reason if im atracted too them. your verging on being religious with your crazy idea. if you like the look of a 25 year old woman when your 25 what would stop you liking the same looking woman at 75? thats not even human at all. as said im not a rapist or kiddy fidler. ive never been to a brothel and wouldnt though i respect what they do. id never impose on someone something they don't want. if you live till your 90 will you only like 90 year olds?
@LeighShelton because the mind and experience of a 25 year old is vastly different from the mind and experience of a 75 year old. Personally I am not attracted to people who are significantly younger than me. It isn't remotely religious, it is a profound distaste for predatory behaviour. No 25 year old is sexually attracted to a 75 year old, the only reasons one would enter into such a relationship would be for some sort of gain. That isn't a healthy or equal interaction.
I am currently involved with someone 11 years older than I am but the difference is that we are both fully formed adults, neither of us is manipulating or coercing the other. Those behaviours are inherently problematic.
@OpposingOpposum who the fuck said anything about entering a relashionship ffs. your wrong about who people are atracted too both ways and i am not a fucking predator. you are with someone 11 years older you cheeky fucker judging me just for looking. wake the fuck up.
@OpposingOpposum there are 25 year olds attracted to 75 year olds
Just because that isn’t your thing doesn’t mean it isn’t possible
There are also people who fuck and marry animals
That’s weird as fuck but it still exists
@darthfaja exactly there is far worse than enjoying the look of a beautiful woman.
@LeighShelton just because there is " far worse" doesn't mean that what you are doing ie ok or that you can't fo better. I have BEEN a 20 something girl, I have lots of frirnds and acquaintances who are currently 20 ish. No.Woman. in. Her. Twenties.Finds. Old. Men. Attractive. Ever. Seriously you guys that is disgusting. The only ones who pretend to just want money from you. How fucking dumb can you be?
Again your entire argument is based off of your experience and your feelings.
Your experience is limited. There are absolutely younger women attracted to older men and vice versa.
Again why do you care?
You originally said you were concerned about young women being taken advantage of. Your last sentence sounds like the women are taking advantage of the men.
So which one is it?
@OpposingOpposum hang on bitch your getting fucking rude. i don't put fucking pictures of young woman up and im not a fucking rapist or fucking child molester. i live on my fucking own. don't put words in my mouth because your wrong and know it. your boyfriends a pervert apparently for being with a younger woman for starters.
what the fuck ios this woman on about @darthfaja some woman like being fucked by loads of men. some people like being half strangled. some people get turned on by dead bodies. she can't judge everyone by her own rules that she breaks herself.
Well it’s rude to address her as you did above, she has a screen name so I would start by addressing her that way. Calling her ‘woman’ removes your credibility as it sounds misogynistic.
To reply to your question, OO appears to feel pretty passionate about her opinion on this.
That’s no different from any of us. People believe what they believe.
She certainly can judge as she sees fit. We are all gods of our own multiverses. It doesn’t mean we are correct or credible however.
My only real point of being here in this thread is because of the original focus. This is an opinion thread that’s being touted as factual when it’s not.
Well, grossed-out isn't the phrase I'd use because the pictures are of attractive young women which I don't consider gross. I would use the word "disturbing" that men my age and older, some much older are sharing pictures of women younger than my daughter.
It's not that I don't find them attractive, but I'm not attracted to twenty-somethings, if that makes sense. I get it's hard to admit one's aging and mortality, but the frat-boy mentality is fucking absurd. I find myself talking and joking with several women in their twenties regularly at work, and find myself thinking of them in comparison to my daughter.
Maybe it's easier to fantasize about a girl who only exists to you in a one dimensional capacity than people you know in real life, but I've heard some pretty appalling comments from dirty old men over the years. I'm just glad that I some point I started to think differently and eventually call them out.
I am not. I feel attracted by women's beauty but I don't feel attracted by minors. But if I put photos of women my age nobody is going to like a 70 year old woman. Once I read someone writing "she's younger than your daughter" what? do I have to feel attracted by women older than 41 only? I don't know if you realize it but I don't go out or make out with the women i post. I just admire and desire them. And there's a new tendency for women to like much younger men, so what? let them like whatever they like. That's what I think and I am not trying to make other people think like me, it's just a statement. And by the way, I am not one of those you mention, check my posts, I even posted some pics of a lady 59 years old...
Why are you blaming men? Why does this even bother you? Like everyone else in this world, they can make inappropriate and childish decisions. Or, maybe the age difference works for them. Why be angry at an older man who has an outlook that is young and can keep up with a younger woman?
What is unfortunate is the older man who, for whatever reason fools himself in thinking a younger woman is for him when that is not true. Or, vice versa. Obviously, you are upset by the Svengalis and the Humbert Humberts (think Lolita). But, without knowing more, does that give anyone the right to condemn.
Think about it, not so long ago people condemned same gender relationships because they weren’t natural. Seems to me that attitudes about age disparities aren’t much different.
Why not be upset with the woman looking for a sugar daddy? Why not be upset with the circumstances of young woman who are susceptible romantically with an older father (figure)?
And, in all fairness, there are actually May-December matches that work. Why would you be angry with either party if their relationship is good, I was best friends with a woman, 6 years older than I, who was married to a man 30 years older. They were married about 40 years. And, oddly enough, she died before him.
Granted, extreme age differences aren’t for everyone. But, maybe, even if they lead to pain, there were still positives that were found by the partners.
Frankly, if some one finds a relationship that works, why be upset by it? Age is a number and nothing more. The difference may not be for you, but it’s not your place to condemn those it might work for.
Very well said!
A few reasons. There is a power inbalance that verges on abuse inherent in having a sexual relationship with someone much younger than you. I AM grossed out by the idea of dating someone who is mostly still a child. Would you date children? Furthermore I'm really tired of seeing young,naive women exploited.
@OpposingOpposum you are entitled to your opinion. I’m guessing that you don’t believe a young woman using sex to gain economic advantage and exploiting a man in the process is a thing that can happen.
Since you find younger women older men a problem, how do you feel about a 60 year old male dating a 35 year old female. Or, how about a 50 year old female dating a 25 year old male?
Would I date children?
@Rob1948 why are you angry? Is it because you suspect you've been behaving badly and you're pissed about being called out? Thats what I see.
To answer your questions no,30 is the youngest I'd date for the reasons I've already put forth. I think a 35 yr old and a 60 year old are both mature enough to handle themselves. People in their twenties are absolutely not. A fifty year old with a 25 year old is inherently unbalanced and coercive.
Furthermore if ANY of my partners put revealing photos of me up on social media, I'd be furious. It is grossly exploitative and clearly shows that the partner in question does not respect their partner.
@OpposingOpposum just because We disagree does not mean that I’m angry. I’m not. I’m just disgusted that some people choose to a) tell others how they should live and b) seem to always blame the male when, in fact, women can misbehave and be predators as well.
Some young, naive women (as you put it) are not so naive; they date older men because they seek out that dynamic... primarily looking for men with money. They may want a man with money who can pay their expenses, or for college, or to marry them for future financial security. And, yes, they are some young women who are naive. A few older men will date them for a variety of reasons. And, sometimes those women are used. Sometimes they aren’t used. If you don’t believe me, look up the term “sugar babies.” You might see reference to sites that promise to match them up with sugar daddies.
Now, let’s talk about the comments you directed at me. I resent your implications. They are insulting. Particularly since you do not know me. I don’t date significantly younger woman. Nor have I behaved badly, as you put it.
What gives you the right to criticize me for things you imagine I do? Why would you even make such accusations when you don’t know me and have absolutely no idea who I am? Would you want me to make assumptions about you and put them in writing? No? Then why would you think it OK for you to do that to me or anyone?
Also, I have no idea why your comments about revealing photographs and social media is directed at me. I’ve not mentioned anything of the sort. I’ve never done that. Nor would I ever. Your even making such a comment to me is an indirect accusation of my having done that. One, I do not appreciate.
Frankly, you are the one that sounds angry. You have made unfounded and uncalled for assumptions about me which are inaccurate and inappropriate. And, what makes it particularly galling is that I have not disrespected you.
As for people of any age posting or even looking at photos of others, where they can do so legally, ethically, and morally, why does that upset you? If you don’t like it, don’t look or look away. That is what I do when I see images I find unappealing.
@OpposingOpposum I never said you did not have a right to respond. I didn’t even say you did not have a right to insult me. I objected strongly to your insulting me and asked why you thought you had the right to criticize me for things you imagined. I asked what gave you the right to insult me. I never said or even implied “He/she/they tempted me. I couldn’t control myself.” That is a fabrication of your mind as are all the other insults you leveled at me.
In fact, I explicitly told you that I don’t date significantly younger women. Are you now accusing me of lying too?
No. Your original post was not about me. Your insults and you made it about me.
The only thing you exposed is you and your biases and, perhaps, the reasons behind them.
And that's why I hid those groups shortly after inception.
Granted I'm 54 and still find young men attractive (I'm 54 I'm not dead) - but I don't post a ton of pics of them half clad? (Ok there was one and I feel badly - but he's my age now - so that makes it ok). And I know when I'm looking at someone young enough to be my kid and it freaks me out.
And folks - There are entire websites dedicated to porn. Just FYI. Just you know use Google.
I've no idea why we need a photo exchange? It makes me think of guys swapping Dad's magazines back in the day? Maybe that's why it grosses me out.
I feel like I should try to somehow defend men against over generalizations, but I'm just going to shut up.
I believe I know who you’re referring to. Couldn’t agree with you more.