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As increasing numbers of US citizens self-identify as "without religion" in both red and blue states, when will they become politically organized and who will lead them????

Honolulu2046 3 Apr 14

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I have no desire to have atheists become politically organized, and I can't think of anyone who is qualified to lead.

@Allamanda A short while ago, maybe a week or so, someone asked if atheists considered Bill Maher to be the "leader of the atheists".
I said that it wasn't likely, and if pressed, Maher would say "get the fuck outta here with that shit".
Given the garbage we have "governing" us now, I'm leaning toward anarchy as being a better way to go.

@Allamanda You beat me to the phrase.

@Allamanda I have little interest in accomplishing anything useful to society.
I have little use for society. I think most of society sucks.

@Allamanda You do you. I wouldn't dream of telling you, or really anyone else, how to live their lives, or what to think is important.
I admit to a certain level of misanthropy. I generally do not like people very much. I often think the planet would be better off if humans were gone from it.


Maybe they do not NEED a leader, they are their own source of power.

THHA Level 7 Apr 14, 2019

Firstly, the founders laid down, in writing, that there should be a separation between church and state.
Secondly, any person of intellect will cringe about having any person of religion in control of a potential nuklear strike.
Lastly, when "god" is mentioned, who's god?


And a point I missed.

You do NOT need religion to be moral! Religion does NOT define what is right and what is wrong.


You cannot define a group by what they are not - religious - and then try to treat them as if they were a contiguous body. It is in fact a fallacy to think of them as a coherent group at all, since the only commonality they share is a lack of one characteristic.


Browse this site a bit and you'll see why. I've had a few heated debates here on a wide range of political and philosophical topics. Thankfully, these were all friendly disagreements. But people uniting to form a political party just because we're agnostic/atheist is like every bald person uniting just because they have no hair.

Buxx Level 7 Apr 14, 2019

Within our binary system … there’s only one choice left. But as the other side continues to use religion as a rallying cry or purity test, those on the other side continue to dance around the issue..

Varn Level 8 Apr 14, 2019

No they will not, as they are spread across political perspectives from the extreme right to the extreme left.


I follow no one. I am an independent person. I will make up my own mind. I don't need someone to tell me how to think or act. And being organized implies the need of people to be part of a herd or flock or whatever. I will vote based upon my own ability.

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