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What's the betting on how much of the report is redacted? 50% 75% With the Senate and the Supreme Court in the hands of Trump loyalists, it's hard to hold out much hope that we'll ever get the truth!

Sam Stein
So, if Nadler’s tweet is true, Bill Barr will have summarized the Mueller report, redacted it, briefed the White House on it, and then given a press conference on it all before allowing Congress to see it.

Imagine the backlash if Comey’s people had coordinated with the Clinton campaign to give them a preview of the FBI’s findings before he had his July 2016 press conference. People would have lost their minds.

jerry99 8 Apr 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Why isn't barr in prison?


To the public - I'll say 90%. To Congress' special select group that gets to view it, no hard copies - 40%.

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