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Howard Zinn was a game changer for me understanding history. Anyone else think that his books should be read in high school?

twaseverthus 5 Mar 6

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I presented his book ‘A People’s History of the United States’ to my sons 10th grade history teacher. He championed the idea to use that book for his curriculum and it was allowed! One can only hope that the garbage history they teach in US schools, will be addressed and changes made to reflect actual events.

I love hearing stories like this. It gives me hope. The pendulum needs to swing back to more logic and wisdom in this country.

He was my professor in Government in college. He's the one and only, the guiding principle of progressives. I really miss him.


Zinn and Chomsky make quite a team, BTW.
Wouldn't having Zinn's work tought in school cause a problem or two for the folks that are teaching their revised versions?






Love him!


My son has his book in highschool! I went to go see the teachers to tell them how impressed I was they we reading it.
Grace Kind High in Metairie outside of New Orleans. The department head made it part of the curriculum.

JeffB Level 6 Mar 6, 2018

That is so great to hear.


My kids did read some of his books in high school, good little liberal atheists that they are. They read People History before I did, about 15 years before I did.


Zinn is good, but there is not only one way to look at history. To start to understand the totality if history you have yo look at it from many viewpoints. I used to talks on Erie Canal History from the view points of slavery, industry, economic, gene flow, infrastructure planning, civil war, inventions, national security, and probably more.

For some interesting perspectives on history try Dan Carlin's Hardcore History....


Yes, and maybe when we pick up the pices from this cluster fuck of a time it will be.

BillF Level 7 Mar 6, 2018

I would also recommend "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James Lowen.

JimG Level 8 Mar 6, 2018

Yes. by all means yes. you should always make sure they hear about Philadelphia's bar "problem" yet notate the lack of racism and sexism and agism and all the other isms inside the bar compared to one foot outside its' doors.


Definitely under the heading critical thinking which we in ontario may introduce as a mandatory course in the next couple of years


Good idea but what are the odds?


He is required reading for the revolution.

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