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Happy "420" Group

hippydog 8 Apr 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Today is a good day to watch "Half Baked".


Mitch Hedberg was really funny.


"420" Group


I miss that guy. Saw him at a comedy club in Austin. He was really funny.

He was one of my faves. Gone far too soon. I saw his doppelganger at a bar four years ago.

@dkp93 That was sad. I saw a documentary on YouTube about his life. The boy loved his heroin. He was one of my faves also. I go to YT and watch him sometimes.


I've never smoked anything before and never intend to pollute my lungs that way, but I take high THC medical cannabis to kill cancer cells, and also take CBD oil to mitigate the THC side effects.

I prefer edibles to smoking, be nice if they were easier to get around here.

@OtherPatrick The medical cannabis edible chocolate bar I bought (they threw it in for free when I bought a bottle of high THC indica cannabis oil) is very potent. I only take tiny nibbles or it can knock me out for several hours where I can't move.

@birdingnut I have a low tolerance myself, so I usually consume small bits so I don’t overdo the high.

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