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Now another piece of manufactured logic! You ask me how I will explain the origin of this world and origin of man. Charles Darwin has tried to throw some light on this subject. Study his book. Also, have a look at Sohan Swami’s “Commonsense.” You will get a satisfactory answer. This topic is concerned with Biology and Natural History. This is a phenomenon of nature. The accidental mixture of different substances in the form of Nebulae gave birth to this earth. When? Study history to know this. The same process caused the evolution of animals and in the long run that of man. Read Darwin’s ‘Origin of Species.’ All the later progress is due to man’s constant conflict with nature and his efforts to utilise nature for his own benefit. This is the briefest sketch of this phenomenon.

  • Bhagat Singh, Why I am an atheist
Abhimanyu_Jhim 3 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Hello and welcome!

You sound very educated.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Most members here don't need convincing.

An observation of the natural world is all that is needed to determine reality. IMHO

A few months ago I was with a guy I've known for many years, he's a big time "Christian" who loves to wear his faith on his wrist in the form of these rubber bands that say things like "Pray for China", etc, but yet he breaks nearly every Commandment ever written! Anyway, there was a scene of the side of a cliff in this movie that was on the TV, and there were at the least hundreds, if not thousands of layers of different colors of dirt visible, that had all been compressed down into rock. It's called sedimentary rock for a reason. And I asked him how did all of that rock get that way? It was obviously laid down over a very long span of time from flood waters. And his reply was that he'd never thought about that before!! Here he's seen pictures of cliff faces and mountain sides like that for over 50 years, and he never thought about why his god would create a world with huge beds of rock like that?? And also you can see rock formations where the layers are tilted at least 45 degrees most times, sometimes even almost vertical, and his god made it all that way on purpose?? Yeah, right.
There was another guy I used to work with, and I asked him the same thing about the Grand Canyon, which he was claiming was carved out in less than a week from the Great Flood. So I asked him the same thing, how did all of those layers get there like that? And get this now, he blurted out "From the floods!". I just cringed at how stupid he sounded. No wonder he could never trouble shoot any problems with a car or truck or any other machinery, he was too damn stupid to be able to think on his own. He couldn't figure stuff out. He had to be told everything.


@Logician When "god" is what you filter everything through, they can not see anything else.

@jlynn37 AMEN to that!! Hee hee, ha ha!!

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