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Hi, my first day on the site. I am excited to mingle with like minded individuals.
Anyone else new to the site? Any feedback or anything that helps regarding the site please feel free to comment 🙂

shadowforshur 4 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Howdy and welcome here.


welcome to the community. I see you want to meet people. Work on your profile/bio. Post pics-let people know who you are. Join groups and chats that interest you. You collect points which give you more privledges. Enjoy!


Hi, and welcome to the website. The first thing to do is to answer the profile questions and upload a clear profile photo of your face. You can locate members near you by clicking on the "Members" button under "Browse."


Hello and Welcome, jump into conversations and join group that meet your interests.


Welcome to the site. It seems to be growing. I just started using it a few weeks ago. Came for dating and staying for the conversations. I would recommend finding a group chat which suits your fancy.

These are good suggestions. So, welcome shafowforsur. I came for conversations and found someone. Good people mostly. Like any family, some you won't enjoy as much. ??

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