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MEN CANNOT BECOME WOMEN simply by claiming they feel they are.

To demand this equivalency is to deny all REAL-womens' rights.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." Aristotle

Trying to make something so, that cannot be, is not just a fool's endeavor. It is a wasteful, and often a most dangerous, of efforts.

I fear we are just now entering a new low in the war to continue The Enlightenment. How is it not clear that Orwell's "1984" was a documentary about here and now?

The world is supporting dictators everywhere. Nearly most, rightly so, given the total lack of reason of those who have been in power for decades.

The most fascistic in the west are the liberal-lefters who are most active in suppressing speech, defending abuse of women, and demanding all attention be given to the most obscure topics, and populations, leaving the majority “no where in sight.”

“Trans” and “gender” issues are minuscule compared to climate change. Yet the lefters are all about demanding shit that matters not when most of us are dying from the results of these absurd distractions.

Men and women are not the same. They are different.

JacarC 8 Apr 27

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Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges.
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness.


What in the fuck is this supposed to be?

1of5 Level 8 Apr 29, 2019

Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges.
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness.

@Jacar i am giving up no rights to allow other women to be themselves.

No one chooses to be female for kicks and giggles - remember women don't have equal rights in the US. Perhaps more women should choose to be trans men by your thinking? But that isn't how transitioning works.
People carry the problems of bigotry with them after the change.

We have a President trying to make healthcare access for trans folk even more difficult.

This is not a lark some people are on - this is their reality.

@Jacar no, it isn't. Maybe in what passes for your fevered imagination it is, but that's as far as that goes.


Jacar...ever try MINDING YOUR OWN BUSINESS??!!!

It is my business: It is now law that men feeling like women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges.
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness.

@Jacar ohferpetessake, thank you soooooo vurry much for worrying, for me, about something I have never given one rat's ass about. Do you have separate bathrooms in your home for the different sexes?


A lot of people have made comments about your post but you haven't entered into discussion with any of them. Your rant is very wild and non-specific and you don't offer any evidence for your claims. You seem very angry, but it's not clear what you are really angry about. Quite a few people on this site would be happy to talk to you about what it is that is upsetting you, but you have to enter into the discussion and be willing to exchange views.

He's close to level 8.. He probably wants points lol

@Cutiebeauty Doesn't joining in a conversation get points? I don't understand him - he seems an unhappy person but he doesn't want to make friends

@CeliaVL joining a conversation does give you points... But making an outrageous post gets more points when people express their outrage and the poster doesn't have to respond at all... It's the lazy way to level up 😉 but he would certainly get more points if he responded

@Cutiebeauty I don't really understand the whole points thing, but if that's what it is about, I won't bother trying to be friendly!

@CeliaVL oops.. I had a typo in my comment.. Joining a conversation does give you points... Sry 😋

Your are correct. Obviously i do not have anything else to do with life other than respond to the most illinformed.

Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness.
It is now law that men feeling like women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges.

@Jacar Not categorized as a mental illness by the APA. But I've given you those facts before.

Are you set on changing our minds? Because the science and psychology support what I've told you previously.

What is the purpose here if the actual cis females have no concern?

For that matter how do you feel about trans men? It would seem you should have an opinion of your own on that topic.

@Jacar You simply repeat the same answer to everyone who addresses your post, leading me to the conclusion that you have no genuine interest in this issue. I think it has to be about points, so I shan't bother.


Yeah Orange headed baboon has sunk the country to a new low

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 28, 2019

Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.
It is now law that men feeling like women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privilege


In the US we have a President who is a Climate Change Denier.

We also are looking at Trans Rights being taken away - what Obama did for the military - was rescinded.

So do we fight where we can for what we can? Well yes I do.

I fight for human rights because it's clear to me where and when I can. I can do that anywhere I am in daily life. Simply by standing up for a fellow human being.

Climate change is a bit harder. However there are groups I belong to.. I recycle. (Better than nothing). And I ask questions about my energy sources.

Saying "We shouldn't support Human Rights because we're worried about Climate Change" just doesn't apply - we need to fight for both.

Plus here's a bit of science. Some of those trans folks - are determined a certain sex at birth - however - they are not that sex by genetics. Literally the brain is female with male genitalia.
Or male - with female genitalia.
I don't have the genetic links for the female conditions - but they also exist.
There are many more chromosomal mosaics than I have listed here. Believe me.


To say "It matters not" to the Men and Women born with these genetic differences that make them feel like they don't belong in their given body- when we now have resources to help them?
That would be the utmost human cruelty.
Scientists also believe there are things that happen in vitro that convince the brain that it is male or female that is NOT based on Genitalia at all.

Fix what we can. Help where we can - when we can.

Do you see a different path?

Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.
It is now law that men feeling like women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privilege


I DON'T CARE - what transgender issues?
I go back to the Trojans, who practised institutional bisexualism or the Sodomites - the clue is in the name - both groups feared as the greatest fighters of their era - so please don't try and tell us that homosexuals are not men, or that women are weak and feeble and need a man to care for them.
If a man feels compelled to have his penis surgically remodelled into a vagina - Not a problem - the same goes for any women wanting her vagina turned inside out to make a penis - but surgery only changes external physical attributes, not the founding DNA or genetics.
So I may be simplistic in the view that If you were born with a penis you are a man and if a vagina, you are a woman - and if transgender by surgical modification you must compete against the gender you were born - or accept that missing out on competitive sports is the additional cost of the operation.

What do you think are the consequences if the sexual equipment is changed from its 'founding DNA or genetics'? Are there any, or are you just saying it has been changed to become a fake phenotype of the 'founding DNA'?

@brentan Simply that surgery can not change the DNA you were born with. Drugs may alter the balance of various hormones, but fundamentally if you are born with male DNA you will have it for ever, et vice versa for women.

@ShadowAmicus don't forget all the chromosomal mosaics - if you read up one I've linked the wiki articles.I
Not everyone is XX or XY.

@RavenCT Ivery few hermaphrodite humans and I admit to knowing nothing about them - there are genetic anomalies in every breed - that is partially how evolution works. They are special cases, and if they choose surgical modification - no problem. I have a vague memory of a successful 'woman' athletes (russian shot putter?) being hermaphrodite.

@ShadowAmicus they aren't hermaphrodite. That's why I suggested you read a link or two. It's informative and not something we could have been aware of prior to today's more sophisticated genetic testing.


You identified yourself as a right-winger. Elucidate for me exactly how so-called liberal-lefters are fascist in any way aside from in your inability to understand without name calling and especially the defending of abuse of women(are you kidding me,Dude?) Facts, please!! And leftists suppress speech??? Facts, please.And it is clear you have no what transgender is, and what people who are transgender go through. Get an education, Dude.

You identified me as a "right-winger." Time to learn something.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privilege
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.


If someone asks me to refer to them with feminine pronouns because they identify as a woman, or conversely with masculine pronouns because they identify as a man, I have no problem accommodating them. I don't have to understand the minutia of their motivation for feeling differently than thir biological gender to accommodate them. I have no reason to resent them for having feelings or inclinations that I do not share or even relate to, since there would be no legitimate reason for me to do so. I simply comply, and happily so, because I don't want to be an asshole for no good reason.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 28, 2019

This is not about pronouns. It is about men demanding special privileges based upon their feelings.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privilege
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.

I really have no idea why any man would want to shuck the privilege he clearly enjoys for no greater achievement than having been born with genitalia that sticks out instead of in, but I certainly don't feel affronted, or that the limited rights I may enjoy compared to a man are in some way threatened. And I don't think science has confirmed that there is any mental illness involved in being transgender. Are you a doctor?


Just because we only know of two genders doesn’t mean they are not fluid. I don’t believe in conforming to societal expectations at all. This may be a scary thought for some who prescribe to gender roles but I believe this world would be a much happier place if there were no hard rules for women and men to abide by and that includes trans men and women.

Feminism is a misunderstood word and has evolved over the years (e.g. first, second, and third wave feminism). True feminism to me today means equal rights for everyone. Third wave feminism includes men’s rights because lack of men’s rights effect women’s rights directly. We can’t ask for equal rights and then say men should pay for women on dates because they make more money. Or if you are a man, feel used or taken advantage of when most expect you to pay or be the “provider”. That is not feminism. That’s simply contributing to the vicious cycle of societal gender expectations. It’s divisive & selective, not inclusive.

At the end of the day, all I care about is that we don’t judge each other based on what there is between the legs. I know who I click with and like without even knowing someones gender and I’m not threatened by it. No one is the same and the increasing visibility of trans men and women only proves this point. NO ONE IS THE SAME.

Coda Level 4 Apr 28, 2019

I'm all for equal rights... But if a man asks me out on a date, he's paying for everything... 🙂 afterall, it's his idea...

@Cutiebeauty "Equal rights" is the correct term . This is about men demanding special privileges based upon their feelings.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privilege
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.


For me, it boils down to the belief that there are two sexes and a spectrum of genders.

I agree that transgenderism is punching way above its weight, probably because we live in an age of prioritising feelings. I was with them all, including the LGBT+ until they started dictating how it was going to be whether we liked it or not.

Transgender people don't suddenly become transgender because they suddenly feel like it, and make a decision based on feelings. They are transgender whether they like it or not, not unlike sexual orientation. If you are straight, could you or would you suddenly decide to become homosexual or vice versa. I don't think so. There is no choice.

I have no argument with anything there.

This is about men demanding special privileges based upon their feelings.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privilege
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.


That was a great word salad. To many croutons.

Look.. if someone has actual issues.. mental, biological, etc.. like my ex stepkid. She was having a hard time adjusting to late stage puberty. To tall, to hairy, thoughts all jumbled.. tried to kill herself.
Talking to a mental health professional, it was coming clear there was some.. whays the words.. body dismorphia?

Long story short.. 5 years later HE is happier and healthier and no longer in danger of ending things becuase of other peoples opinions about his life.

Unfortunately... Bruce Jenner coming out as Caitlyn as a publicity stunt doesnt help REAL transgender people.

This is America, and our founding documents acknowledge that simply by virtue of being living sentient beings, we have the right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. He undertook that and is much happier.

Woe be to any MAGA hat who tries to harm him, for even though hes no longer my stepkid, I will still end anyone who harms him.
I'm a left leaning centrist AND I carry a firearm, and I will defend the weak against tyranny.

Angus Level 5 Apr 28, 2019

I am glad He is Okay! My nephew (Now my Niece and much happier for it) went through a process too - but a bit later than that (Coming out in her 30s) due to societal pressures she felt at the time.

She is so much happier overall now being herself.

This is about men demanding special privileges based upon their feelings.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privilege
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.


Why are you so angry about this issue? No one is asking you to support them or be involved in it, so it's really a non-issue if you are already fully committed to the gender identity you have been socialized into.

It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges. Special "rights."
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.


You should just stop talking

Remi Level 7 Apr 28, 2019

@Bobby9 about as much as his ridiculous rants but you don't see that stopping him now do you?

@Bobby9 wait, do you have a problem with me voicing my opinion? Or just a problem with my opinion? Either way, the problem is yours, not mine. He can say what he wants. So can I. What is your point?

And you get to decide?
This is about men demanding special privileges based upon their feelings.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges. Special "rights."
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.

@Jacar amazing how uninformed you are because of your fear


In fact this is inaccurate. []
Transexuality has been identified throughout the ages and even in other mammals. It remains rare but it is a fact that there can be a difference between biology and psycholgical identity. The only reason this is in the public forum is because we can discuss it. I understand some feminists have an issue with trans women. For myself, as a feminist it is wonderful to welcome new sisters in addition to wishing brothers who trans f2m, every happiness. It is likely that gender is fluid for us all. My ex boss is the campest man I know, he has no male friends, he sings in pubs and works in a predominantly female environment. Yet he is married with two boys. He is a very close friend and he has never had any desire to be gay. I am certainly not girlie in any traditional sense. The point is Jacar, there are 7 billion ways to be normal. You just have to accept people for their normal.

This is not about historical reality.
This is about men demanding special privileges based upon their feelings.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges. Special "rights."
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.

@Jacar No Jacar transwomen are women. Plain and simple. Biology does not determine identity. Would you criticise a diabetic for needing to take insulin?


What's your definition of MAN and WOMAN? My guess is that most liberals will agree with you if you refer to genitalia. If it's just the way you feel, could you come up with another term? Most of us feel sometime more masculine or feminine depending on the situation, right?

Admin Level 9 Apr 28, 2019

What does masculine feel like?

@MissKathleen me neither. I know how female feels. I would like to be skinnier but I have no desire to be male.

@MissKathleen Exactly!

This is about men demanding special privileges based upon their feelings.
It is now law that men FEELING they are women get to invade women's spaces. Men claiming to be women is an affront to EVERY woman's rights. Men demanding special privileges. Special "rights."
Amazing how many women support this clear mental illness. Totally anti-2nd wave feminist.

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