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I have read quite a few posts about climate change, plastic pollution, droughts, and how something must be done. Lets be honest - governments around the world are tinkering at the edges of the problem and not getting to the root cause - human life has become a plague on the planet.. David Attenborough tells the argument. []

ShadowAmicus 8 May 8

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Governments!? Heck Scientists since the 50's have bern trying very hard but people don't realize that there is no solution other than just slowing down or stopping...which has its own dire consequences.

Sometimes there just isnt a good solution.


Sans humans, earth would be a better place. A one-child policy, ruthlessly enforced, would be a good start.


A truthful, yet politically incorrect post about a taboo subject. Growth is detrimental to the biosphere, but benefits the plutocrats and elites, by supplying them with ever increasing "domesticated human livestock".

The easiest way to increase GDP - which for some obscure reasoning is the measure of a countries success - is to increase the population


I'm going to play the devils advocate here: I'm agnostic on climate change since our planet has been through way worse catastrophes than co2 emissions. Please feel free to debate this video. I would love to hear opinions and see scientific proof with cited sources. Have fun.


Not enough natural selection happening here.
Where's Thanos when you need him?


I'm planning a treatise to propose that a surcharge be applied to oil imported from places we spend taxpayer and borrowed money to "protect". Should be popular with free market folk. Will reflect the true cost of oil and it's derivatives...


People fuck up everything...we have known for a very long time that there just aren't enough resources to sustain the everything else, changes need to be drastic to survive...stop having kids that are going to inherit shit...

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