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We're way past whether there are grounds for impeachment. It's necessary to preserve our democracy and prevent the rise of more dictators everywhere. If the Senate won't convict then they are complicit and must be voted out!

Robert Reich:
We are in a Constitutional crisis. What to do?

There are many practical political reasons not to impeach Trump. The House must do it anyway, to protect the United States from the very kind of tyranny the Constitution was designed to prevent.

It's the right thing to do.

Donald Trump surely appears to be usurping the powers of the other branches of government. Under these circumstances, the constitution mandates that the House undertake an impeachment inquiry and present evidence to the Senate.

The framers put in mechanisms to enforce the constitution against a president who tries to usurp the powers of the other branches of government. They anticipated the possibility of a Donald Trump.

Every child in America is supposed to learn about the constitution’s basic principles of separation of powers, and checks and balances.

But, these days, every child and every adult in America is learning from Donald Trump that these principles are bunk.

jerry99 8 May 12

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Well, yeah. The problem is tht the Senate won't convict and remove Trump, so the house doesn't see the point in just doing what would be no more effective than a bit of political theater. Instead they intend to investigate and mount up evidence against Trump for the voters to remove him.

And my fingers are metaphorically crossed, hoping voters have not become so desensitized by rancor, spin and outrights lies that they decide the Dems' information is just fake news and ignore it. :/

Or that Trump succeeds in blocking crucial defense efforts against Russian interference, which sure to be more in 2020 than 2016.

I’m with Reich that we need to impeach because it’s the right thing to do. If the Senate chooses not to convict then that’s on them and they should have to deal with that decision in the 2020 election.

@jerry99 Yeah, I am with you on that. I see the political expedience a[[rpach as a poltical strategy more than as doing the "right thing".

If the media actually fact checked what Trump said instead of just reporting what he says without fact checking it, then Impeachment would be a more viable option. However there has been so much media consolidation that over 90% of TV, Radio, magazines and newspapers are now owned by only six corporations, which has killed competition and also killed investigative reporting. The net result is we now can learn more by watching late night comedians than we can by watching the local, or cable news.


I have always liked Robert Reich. Again in this instance, I agree with his general points. I worry whether voters are already so entrenched in their political camps that no factual revelations about his crimes, no matter how shocking, will change anyone's mind politically. People seem to have stopped listening to any sources of information that don't agree with their existing opinions. The current situation is surreal and terrifying.

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