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Peak flowers at my house. My favorite few days of the year landscaping wise !

Ohub 7 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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And now I know a few people on here to ask when I have landscape and plant questions 🙂

Ohub Level 7 May 17, 2019

looks beautiful


Beautiful! Mature trees behind the flowers nicely frame the flowering bushes.

Someone with an artistic eye planted this landscaping, considering the size of plants and trees when fully grown.


Love the colors!

They smell really good too - especially the lilacs.

@Ohub I thought those were lilacs! I have purple and white ones blooming now...lovely

@thinktwice The poor lilacs took a beating from some very very heavy snowfall we had. But they seem be coming back alright.



zesty Level 7 May 17, 2019

Well done!

I can't really claim too much credit - this was all in place when I bought the house !


Wow. There's a clean slate at my house if you want another project

@MsDemenour - Hmm. Brisbane! I'll get my shovel and check that in baggage and be right over 🙂 (I have spent time in Brisbane years ago with software installs at the old PA hospital - over three trips, probably spent 6 weeks there in the 90s...)

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