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What's the biggest mistake you've ever made while at work or in your personal life? What did it cost you if anything?

For me, when I volunteered at a soup kitchen when I was about 16 yrs old, the director put me in charge of serving the fried chicken thighs... But she didn't tell me how many to serve, so I gave about the first 40 or so people 2 or 3 pieces of chicken .. She saw me going this and gave me a little talk about resources and making sure everyone got at least one piece the first time around then they could have seconds if available... Needless to say, she switched me over to serving mashed potatoes for the rest of the day, making sure to remind me to only give one scoop per person...

Cutiebeauty 9 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I've made so many mistakes I lost count a long time ago.
Make a mistake, correct it as best you can, move on to the next mistake. Life is a series of mistakes. The best role model for this is Tom Brady--yes, the quarterback. Had no business winning his last three Super Bowls, made mistake after mistake. But did he dwell on them? No, if he had those games would have been lost. Like in the movie Vanilla Sky, "Every day is another chance to turn it all around."
Dwell on your mistakes and you're doomed to repeat them. Move on and you get another chance to NOT repeat them. To get it right.
Having said that, my LAST big mistake was, um, let's see...


Married a troubled young woman figuring I would solve her problems and improve her life. While I think I accomplished that, it also created so much turbulence in my own life and eventually a divorce...


The working one is quitting my current job for a job that was closer to home. One closer to home didn't work out and had go back my job now. For personal mistakes it's a tie between voting for one our jail bird govenors / being religious for most of my life. I'm so glad I'm free from the bs.


I worked one season as a cashier at the aquarium. Although I am a working accountant, I could NEVER balance at the end of the day. The digital register confused me.
That's all. I can't recall any monumental errors...


I boiled an entire Filet Mignon instead of cold smoking it.😥😥😥😥😥


Personal life married my ex

bobwjr Level 10 May 17, 2019

got married.


I made a bad decision - the cost - friends died and I lost my sanity.

I'm so sorry to hear that! Are you still insane? Did you get help? I nearly lost my mind when my mom and dad were murdered by a drunk driver when I was ten yrs old...

@Cutiebeauty sorry, could not reply earlier, usual glitch of the site. Losing parents as an adult is hard enough - but as a 10 year old must be devastating ... you must have been a very strong girl.
One friend died in front of me, the other in my arms - for three anniversaries I took a chance at russian roulette - on the last a lady friend walked in and saw and we talked, for months. She put me back together, but I still have deep flaws.


One of my employees made an accounting error that embarrassed an attorney in front of his client. It was very minor. The attorney would not let it go and kept berating the poor guy. I finally had it and sent him an email apologizing and asking him what else we could do to make this go away...I offered to wash his car, babysit his kids, etc. in a joking way...I thought I sent it to him, but apparently, I sent it to the entire firm...needless to say, the attorney was mortified that I made him look like the petty little shithead he was...I got banned from email for a week... 🙂

I now send emails to myself first...and often delete them...I can be hot tempered...

That's very funny... That guy deserved it though... I don't like bullies either...


"Cancercize" new YMCA flyers said instead of "Dancercize." Fresh from the printer. As the program director, I was responsible. (slaps forehead)

Laughing, secretaries and I jokingly planned a class to give people cancer:

  1. Arrive and immediately lie down on a mat.

  2. Smoke 10 cigarettes.

  3. Eat a cheeseburger and French fries, followed by 10 strips of bacon.

  4. Fall asleep.

We fixed the Dancersize flyers.

Once my brother printed some PUBLIC SALE notices but he delivered PUBIC SALE. Needles to say the farmer was nit amused, we reprinted them.

Haha printing errors happen all the time...


I thought it was my proofreading mistake.

Women tend to blame themselves when things go wrong.


That’s the biggest mistake you’ve ever made?!!!!!
You my friend are a true saint.
Your biggest mistake was being nice 😊

My list is far to long and embarrassing to list.

I was supervised very closely by my grandparents... And we talked all the time about lots of things... I always asked for their advice before doing anything... They were good people...


It shows your warm heart and innocence...give people enough food so they are not hungry...lovely story...not a mistake but a life lesson that as many as you can...awwww

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