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Trump followers remind me of a devoted true believer devotee of a huckster evangelical preacher who is screwing the man's wife in the man's own bed, and stealing money from the =man. By time that they realize that they have been had and used, it will be too late.

wordywalt 9 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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There are none so blind as those who will not see. Gonna be a sad sad day for them when their illusions are shattered.


Whenever someone says they support Trump, I whip out my phone and start video recording them on the sly and get them to talk.

I want good evidence of all the dumb nasty things they say to have proof that people actually supported the Turd Sandwich.

I like that idea. Now that I find myself in Texas 🙀 I have run into some that spout so many of those made up GOP nonsense . Yelling and acting like a straight jacket should take hem away.
I get embarrassed for them .


Blind Faith?

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