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By the GODS, I am an idiot So, for the past few weeks I've been talking to a young woman who was supposed to have a mutual friend with me. (note - this was before the scammer crap I had to deal with on Monday). Turns out she wasn't a mutual friend. All the sweet things said - all the pictures of family and friends shared - then tonight she asked for help staying online, so we could keep talking. She needed a credit card.

Hope - hope that you are more than you think, in someone else's eyes; Hope that there is more, just waiting if you are bold; Hope that you aren't alone... Hope can be a potent weapon; and these bastards have weaponized it.

DerekD 7 Mar 10

Enjoy being online again!

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As soon as anyone starts asking for something, especially financial assistance, alarm bells should start ringing very loud indeed. One alternative is to plead poverty yourself and see what sort of response you get. Take care and good luck for the future.

Personal poverty is not a reality I have to make up 🙂


These jerks get more inventive everyday. They always try to get me on Instagram. I hope you reported her.


I had something similar happen. My first clue was that the guy was kind of out of my league, but I was like ok, let's try this. Turns out he has to go to the middle east for work. Ok, it could happen. Then after a few days of chatting, oh no, his bank is giving him trouble and his employer isn't helping him out. Could I send him a little money for necessities? Right dude... Before we got to that point, he tried baiting me by saying he could help me with my bills. Oh, you must have lots of student loans and credit card bills, he would say and seemed perpelxed when I told him I was debt free. What a loser.

Remi Level 7 Mar 12, 2018

OMG! Is that the kind of thing you guys have to put up with online dating? That's shitty and I'm so glad you didn't fall for that. But ouch, ouch ouch. I'm so sorry.

The worst I ever got was slimy men trying to go straight for the dirty talk right up front. Of course, that was when I had long hair. Now that I chopped if off, no one talks to me, which proves that it was never about me as a person, but as a sex object.

I began to start hating OKC for a long while. Then I took a long break and found this place. I like being a person here instead of an object.

I’ve never met a real person with any online dating site. They end up being in another country, or having some horrible life story, looking for a white knight to send them money.

It gets very disheartening


I did find dates, at least for a while when I put up pictures of me in long hair. I was looking for friends, not romantic partners. Weird, I know, to look for friendship on a dating site, but I was definitely open to kisses and cuddles, even if not necessarily sex or romantic partnership.

Of the 5 guys I dated (one or two dates each), the first one ended up being my BFF. I met him 2 years ago and it really is a platonic thing. We went to an upscale art and craft fair yesterday and out for lunch. The don't know. I guess since I'm not offering sex, they just kinda drifted away (which was okay because some were an hour or more away). Which is unfortunate. One of them was a terrific kisser. I still see what they are up to on Facebook though.

@Sciencemama - the 'young woman' wrote me again via email.

It just breaks my heart that she's either a scammer, or a sponge.
I just don't understand how people can be this way.

@DerekD Most decent human beings would have a hard time understanding manipulative people.

I would ignore her and/or block her.

Good luck.


ANY mention of money at Any stage is a huge red flag! You are very smart

not smart enough. I protect my wallet easier than I protect my heart.

At least my children didn't have to deal with this.

@DerekD so sorry about this....


Wow. But yes, absolutely. Same techniques, different tech.


I had something like that happen to me. She was on eHarmony and claimed to be an Army doctor in Syria. (My first red flag was when she said she was a Sargent). She looked really cute but I was definitely on my guard. The other shoe fell when she asked me to send money to her family in the US. So don't feel bad about being lead by these people; they're experts at knowing what buttons to push.


I'm sorry to hear this happened. I find several of these women, if in fact they are women, through other social media, first as friend requests. The bit that made it easier to deal with is that I wasn't looking for any kind of relationship. We all can get scammed if we aren't paying attention. We need to remain open, but also remain aware of our surroundings.

how do you know they are women?

@McIntyre They present themselves that way. But as I stated, you don't know. Thus the need for a sense of wariness. As the "old" adage goes: on the internet everyone's a dog.

oh sorry, I wasn't focused, while I read your comment I was thinking of someone I knew who got scammed


Idiocy would be not reaching out for your wishes and dreams.


Not "an idiot" at all. You just didn't see it coming


You're not an idiot. Who expects people to behave SO rottenly? The problem is 100% them, not you. I am sorry that you got victimized like that.

Zster Level 8 Mar 10, 2018

I'm so sorry. But weaponized hope is a great line.

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