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Ocean warming is a better indicator of the climate disaster in which we are immersed. []

ToolGuy 9 May 20

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Excellent article and our elected leaders ignore it and condemn our children and grandchildren to disaster:

It is “too late to stop ocean warming in this century because ocean response” is so slow, warned Cheng. Water stores a lot a heat, so its temperature fluctuates much more gradually. But, she said, we can slow the rate of warming if we “act as soon as possible to reduce carbon emission.”
“We are also seeing the impacts, from superstorm hurricanes and typhoons, to drought and deadly wildfires,” he continued. “We are paying the consequences for ignoring the science for decades. What a terrible legacy the denialists have left us and our children.”

(copied to [] )


I think that James Hansen and many other scientists have been right in giving their warnings despite most not listening to them.


Yes stronger storms more violent weather changes we are getting into deep shit if we don't act

bobwjr Level 10 May 21, 2019

Really scary. Why I have a problem with those who say green new deal will never fly. And then there is the shit for brains, potus who withdrew us from the Paris Climate Agreement so we are now on the leading edge of screening over generations to come. This particularly pisses me off, for my 3 year old granddaughter, Ruby and her generation and beyond who won't have the opportunity to turn it around if we don't act now.


Accepting that global warming is going to continue the question must become 'how to mitigate the consequences' - so buy a house and land well above sea level in an area away from weather extremes


Thanks for sharing. This correlation has been evident fir quite a long while to everyone except the deniers.

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