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Do you think the draconian abortion laws passed by mostly white christian republican men; will affect the 2020 election?

Will most republicans running for Congress will be blamed and face losing their seats in Congress?

Im thinking it will. Add republicans who actively support the Squatter in the WH and the Republicans who have looked the other way. If the election results if 2018 is any indication for 2020, i think Republican lawmakers are in deep trouble!

Katsarecool 7 May 25

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I live in Georgia. I tend to lean moderate right . However I just don’t understand this bill from a political standpoint. Most women do not know they are pregnant by 6 weeks. Then on top of that charge them with a felony for going out of state to have what’s legal at this point done. There are ridiculous at both ends of spectrum. I also don’t understand how you can abort a baby at late term 7 to 9 months. That’s a human at that time and murder.

They know the bill is ridiculous. They did it because they want just one of these bills to make it to the Supreme Court, where they believe they'll win, and Roe will be overturned.
That's their endgame. Always has been.

I doubt one could find a doctor willing to perform abortions at 7-9 months unless the mother's life was in immediate jeopardy. That fallacy was started as propaganda by the pro-lifers.

@abyers1970 Anytime a woman has to consider late-term abortion, her life is at risk.
The fetus has little chance of survival, if any at all, and continuing the pregnancy is most likely to kill the woman.
The forced-birthers use the fallacy of women choosing to end their pregnancies that late for no other reason than inflaming other moron forced-birthers.

@MizJ exactly right!!!

@KKGator agree and the loads of crap some pro lifers spout about is ridiculous and hateful! And fucking ignorant as hell.

@Katsarecool Most of them have NO background in either medicine or science.
I did clinic work for decades. I've been present for countless procedures.
I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of them have NEVER had any experience with the medical side of the equation.

@KKGator I have experience in the medical field as well.

A 6wk zygote looks exactly like a small chunk of liver. No heart to beat. No lungs to breathe. No movement. No thoughts. It's NOT A BABY.

@Katsarecool I work at Planned parenthood and have seen these fetuses, too....THEY ARE NOT A BABY! Just as an egg is not a chicken and an acorn is not an oak tree...a fetus is not a baby! But--Christians love thinking in ''black/white'' which makes decisions SO MUCH EASIER, doesn't it?

The Evangelical right has put a lot of misinformation out there. Late-term abortions are for non-viable pregnancies and life-saving procedures for the mother only. They are never elective, and They are extremely rare.

@Kojaksmom Thanks for the info. I will admit that i was christian for 30 years so i guess the indoctrination runs deep and i'm still trying to deprogram myself. Of course if mothers life is at risk and only alternative is abortion then i agree.

@abyers1970 preeclampsia which is extremely high blood pressure during pregnancy is 100% fatal to mother and child. If the condition cannot be treated with drugs, the baby has to be delivered and it doesn't matter what stage of gestation it is

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