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I prayed every night, starting at a young age, up until two years or so ago when I started to doubt and left Christianity. I also did it most mornings and throughout the day. (I needed something. I hated the life “God” gave me growing up).

Although I’m very happy with my decision, I still have found that when I get frightened by something, I’ll start to pray and immediately be thrown off guard. It doesn’t happen a lot but it has. I assume it’s just because I always used it as a way to “protect myself” before but wth?

Tonight I caught myself start and immediately stop before going to bed and wondered... does anybody else do this? It came out of nowhere, on impulse. & I know some idiot’s would see it as a “sign from God” to return or some whackiness! But the only sign I see is that my screws are loose!

Schizophrenia is in the family but damn, I hope my voices aren’t Christian!

1EarthLovingGal 7 May 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I totally know how u feel. I grew up in catholic school all my life and some of its bs has been instilled in my brain. I still go to a catholic school and a few weeks ago the whole class did the sign of the cross before class started and I instinctively did it also without even thinking. A few seconds later I couldn’t believe what I had done.


You have only been a non-believer for about 2 years so getting frightened and going back to "prayer mode" is a form of protection. Not that it ever worked, but you thought it worked and that was why you did it in the first place.

As for voices, I would not be worried unless you have some sort of ongoing dialog that involves other voices. In other words, if you hear voices and it appears you are carrying on a conversation of some sort. Prayer is not like that. If we flip TV channels or run through radio stations we hear voices. Being tired and hearing such things in your head can be normal and fixed by simply getting a little sleep. If you have an "invisible friend" or your neighbors dog is telling you to kill people you have a real problem.

I'm not sure that having Schizophrenia in the family is a real reason to worry about anything. I know such a family and only one person in that family has it. This is the best the family members themselves can figure out looking back on their history.


For me, it took a long time to accept my atheism. I left Christianity long before I admitted to myself what I'd been thinking all along. It's difficult to relinquish the ingrained teachings. It's a process.

The fact that you "caught yourself" tells me you're already on a path to acceptance . Whether it's prayer or a "spiritual" change, I think many of us can relate to this.


No still have old habits be patient

bobwjr Level 10 May 30, 2019

I imagine this is just about a lack of confidence, we all feel. We all doubt ourselves and rarely believe we can manage the tough times. I have heard Christians say 'God does not send you more than you can handle'. I change this to 'I have managed so far, I have this, I am capable and I am strong' are you.

@1EarthLovingGal Grok...


Great question, 1EarthLovingGal! Rest easy, you're perfectly normal! I was raised a Christian, and I likewise occasionally caught myself starting to pray for the first 9 months or so after I left the faith at age 22 some thirty years ago now. It doesn't mean that you are relapsing into belief, and it certainly doesn't mean you are sliding into mental illness. All it means is that old mental habits take awhile to die off. And exactly how long that while is going to last will vary from person to person and will also vary with how stressful one's life is at the time that one stops believing in god/s.

But the less you worry about the occasional accidental prayer, the sooner the nonsense will peter out on its own. Be kind to yourself! The hard work of dissolving the bonds of religion has already been done. The remainder is just a mop-up operation. Best wishes!


People who were as children indoctrinated into a cult (all religions are cults, some are just larger and have political power)will respond in the way they were molded into responding. It is harder to break the mold when the indoctrination took place when they were children. As for schizophrenia being in the family that is the "risk gene" which only means being "at risk" if you have that in your genes. Growing up I used to tell people that talking to myself was the only way I could get an intelligent conversation.... FYI your personality seems strong and rational so I doubt you will start hearing any voices. It takes more than just the at risk genes to make you schizophrenic it takes other factors as well.

While I don't believe you are at risk I will say if you do start hearing voices say hi back to yourself for me and then light up and have a good time talking to your best friend....

@1EarthLovingGal Religion fucks everyone up the religious just refuse to see it.... I used to talk to myself as a kid and sometimes still do. My mother used to tell me to stop talking to myself but I just told her it was the only way I could get an intelligent conversation around the house....
Don't change yourself for anyone just be yourself and be happy because you are fine just the way you are...

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